11a. Attachment 04

SEA Stakeholder Advisory Round Table (StART) 2021 Annu

Item No: 11 a_attach 4
Date of Meeting: March 22, 2022
StART Federal Policy Working Group - Federal Advocacy Priorities
Issue                                       Category                         Goal
65 DNL evaluation and alternative metrics   FAA Reauthorization              Encourage timely release of the "noise annoyance survey" and
Implementation                relevant accompanying policy guidance
Overflight noise/human health study       FAA Reauthorization             Help shape the scope and implementation of the study
Environmental Pilot Program               FAA Reauthorization             Help shape the scope of the grant program, and secure funding for
Implementation                an innovative local pilot for mitigation
Air Traffic Noise and Pollution Expert        New Legislation                   Advocate for passage
Consensus Act
Protecting Airport Communities from       New Legislation                 Advocate for passage
Particle Emissions Act
Secondary Insulation for "Failed" Packages  New Legislation                  Advocate for passage
Sustainable Skies Act/SAF Blender's Tax     New Legislation                  Advocate for passage
EPA Aviation Environmental Justice Grant   New Legislation                  Advocate for passage
High Speed Surface Transportation          Additional Investments           Support federal funding for innovative high speed surface
Investments                                                           transportation options
"Healthy Ports Initiative"                    Additional Investments            Support federal funding for environmental justice programs in nearport
Noise Program Funding                   Additional Investments          Significantly increase funding for noise insulation of eligible buildings
near SEA.
Sustainable Aviation Fuels Funding and      Additional Investments           Significantly increase funding for deployment of Sustainable Aviation
Other Alternative Energy Investments                                       Fuels for airplanes as well as other low-/zero-carbon alternative fuels
for ground transportation vehicles such as renewable natural gas and
Aircraft Modernization and Environmental  Additional Investments           Investigate steps that could be taken - including those currently
Performance Incentives                                                   underway in Europe - to incentivize environmental performance of
aircraft, including upgrading of fleets to more modern airplanes
WHO Europe Study                     Other                        Request FAA formal explanation of interpretation of the study, and
how they are including it in their policymaking

Item No: 11 a_attach 4
Date of Meeting: March 22, 2022
GAO Study of Community Noise Impacts    Other                         Request Congressional letter asking GAO for inclusion of "single site"
airports in their analysis, along with metroplexes
The Future of Aircraft: Supersonic, Electric   Other                              Ensure that noise standards for supersonic aircraft meet or exceed
and Urban Air Mobility                                                      commercial aircraft noise standards. Continue to support federal
investments and policies that drive cleaner aircraft, such as electric
jets and eVTOL, while ensuring that these new planes don't increase
noise impacts

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