8f. Attachment

CBA Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drives

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Item No. 8f_attach                                                          ...
Meeting Date: September 27, 20 2 2    Style Definition                            ...
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COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT     Style Definition           ...
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A G R E E M E N T           Style Definition          ...
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By and Between                          Style Definition                 ...
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TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 117        Style Definition            ...
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Port of Seattle                     Style Definition               ...
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Affiliated With The                               Style Definition                     ...
International Teamsters Union                         Style Definition                    ...
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                 Teamsters Local Union No.
117                         Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 20 pt, Condensed by 
0.25 pt
Affiliated with the                                      Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 20 pt
Formatted: Right: 0.01"
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 
REPRESENTING BUS DRIVERS &     Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 19 pt, Not All caps
PARKING SERVICE REVENUE          Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 19 pt, Not All caps,
Condensed by 0.45 pt
REPRESENTATIVES                  Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 19 pt, Not All caps,
Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 2.59"
Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 19 pt, Not All caps

Term of Agreement                         Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt
Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt
June 1, 20182022 –                         Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt, Condensed by 0.4
May 31, 20222023                             Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt
Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt, Condensed by 
0.35 pt
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0.35 pt
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Formatted: Font: Bodoni MT Black, 16 pt, Condensed by 
0.15 pt
Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 1.95", First line: 0.57", Right:
1.96", Space Before: 11.5 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.32 li

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0.35 pt
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Not Strikethrough

ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 4 
ARTICLE 2 - UNION RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................................. 4 
ARTICLE 3 – PAYROLL DEDUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 4 
ARTICLE 4 - BULLETIN BOARDS AND ELECTRONIC MAIL ........................................................................................ 5 
ARTICLE 5 - BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE ACCESS ..................................................................................................... 5 
ARTICLE 6 - PAY PERIODS .................................................................................................................................................. 5 
ARTICLE 7 - UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................... 6 
ARTICLE 8 – HOLIDAYS ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 
ARTICLE 9 - HEALTH AND WELFARE .............................................................................................................................. 7 
ARTICLE 10 – PENSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 
ARTICLE 11 - VACATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 10 
ARTICLE 12 - SICK LEAVE ................................................................................................................................................ 11 
ARTICLE 13 – OTHER LEAVE ........................................................................................................................................... 12 
ARTICLE 14 - WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION ........................................... 12 
ARTICLE 15 - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ............................................................................................................................ 13 
ARTICLE 16 - JURY DUTY AND COURT TIME ............................................................................................................... 13 
ARTICLE 17 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME ........................................................................................................ 14 
ARTICLE 18 - CALL BACK ................................................................................................................................................. 16 
ARTICLE 19 - SCHEDULE AND VACATION BIDDING.................................................................................................. 16 
ARTICLE 20 - CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES OF PAY ............................................................................................... 20 
ARTICLE 21 - PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................................ 23 
ARTICLE 22 - NON-DISCRIMINATION ............................................................................................................................ 23 
ARTICLE 23 - HANDLING OF DISCIPLINARY MATTERS ............................................................................................ 23 
ARTICLE 24 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................ 24 
ARTICLE 25 - STRIKES ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 
ARTICLE 26 - RESPONSIBILITY........................................................................................................................................ 26 
ARTICLE 27 - SUB-RENTALS ............................................................................................................................................ 26 
ARTICLE 28 - MEMBERSHIP RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................. 26 
ARTICLE 29 - MEETINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 26 
ARTICLE 30 - SAVINGS CLAUSE ...................................................................................................................................... 27 
ARTICLE 31 - SENIORITY AND REDUCTION IN FORCE .............................................................................................. 27 
ARTICLE 32 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION ................................................................................................................... 28 
ARTICLE 33 - EXAMINATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 28 
ARTICLE 34 - DRUG TESTING - SUBSTANCE TESTS ................................................................................................... 29 
ARTICLE 35 - EDUCATION PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 29 
ARTICLE 36 - MORE FAVORABLE CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 29 
ARTICLE 37 – MISCELLANEOUS...................................................................................................................................... 29 
ARTICLE 38 - TRANSFER OF WORK/CONTRACTING .................................................................................................. 30 
ARTICLE 39 - BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE ................................................................................................ 30 
ARTICLE 40 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ........................................................................................................................... 31

        ARTICLE 41 - TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 33 
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................................................. 35 
Appendix C ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 
Appendix D ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

ARTICLE                                   PAGE           ARTICLE NO. 
Bereavement Leave                                9                     15 
Bulletin Boards and Electronic Mail ------------------------   2 -------------------------------- 4 
Business Partnership Committee                     24                      39 
Call Back                                             12                       18 
Classifications and Rates of Pay                       16                       20 
Deferred Compensation                             22                     32 
DRIVE                                       27                   42 
Drug Testing – Substance Tests                      23                      34 
Employee Learning and Development -------------------- 23 ------------------------------ 35 
Examinations                                     23                     33 
Grievance Procedure                               19                     24 
Handling of Disciplinary Matters                       17                       23 
Health and Welfare                                   4                       9 
Holidays                                               3                        8 
Hours of Work and Overtime                        10                     17 
Jury Duty and Court Time                           10                      16 
Letters of Understanding                             27                       41 
Management Rights                             26                    40 
Meetings                                           21                      29 
Membership Recognition                          20                     28 
Miscellaneous                                       24                      37 
More Favorable Conditions                          24                      36 
Non-Discrimination                                    17                       22 
Other Leave                                       8                     13 
Pay Periods                                          2                       6 
Payroll Deduction                                     1                        3 
Pension                                             5                      10 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Probationary Employees                           17                     21 
Purpose of Agreement                              1                      1 
Responsibility                                         20                       26 
Savings Clause                                     21                      30 
Scheduling and Vacation Bidding --------------------------- 12------------------------------- 19 
Seniority and Reduction in Force --------------------------- 21 ------------------------------ 31 
Sick Leave                                         7                     12 
Strikes                                               20                       25 
Sub-Rentals                                        20                      27 
Term of Agreement                                 28                     43 
Transfer of Work/Contracting                         24                       38 
Uniforms and Equipment                            3                      7 
Union Recognition                                    1                       2 
Union Representative Access                        2                       5 
Vacations                                             6                       11 
Workers Compensation and 
Workplace Accommodation -----   9 ------------------------------ 14 
Appendix “A” re Grievance Form                                              29 
Appendix “B” re Landside Fleet Tracking Project                                30 
Appendix “C” re Aviation Maintenance Vehicle Fleet “Telematics”                31 
Appendix “D” re Commuter Benefits                                          33 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

This Mutual Agreement has been entered into by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters,         Formatted                               ...
Local Union No. 117 (hereinafter referred to as the Union), and the Port of Seattle (hereinafter         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
referred to as the Port), collectively herein referred to as the Parties.   The purpose of this
Agreement is the promotion of harmonious relations between the Port and the Union: the
establishment through collective bargaining the equitable and peaceful procedures for the
resolution of differences; and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of work, benefits, and
other terms and working conditions of employment. 

ARTICLE 2 - UNION RECOGNITION                                                     Formatted                          ...
2.01                                                                                                  Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 13.85 pt
2.01         The  Port  recognizes  the  Union  as  the  sole  and  exclusive  bargaining         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
representative for the classification positions covered by this Collective Bargaining Agreement.         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
2.02          2.02              In accordance with RCW 41.56.037, the Union will be given         1.16", Left
thirty (30) minutes to meet with new employees of the bargaining unit within ninety (90) days         Formatted                                ...
of employment at a mutually agreeable time to discuss matters concerning the rights of         Formatted: Body Text, Right: 0"
employees, responsibilities of the Union, and services available to the membership.   A         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
BusinessUnion Representative, Shop Steward, and/or Local Union member will be responsible         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
for the presentation. Only the new employee will be released from duty with pay.                     Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.21", Left + 
1.21", Left
ARTICLE 3 – PAYROLL DEDUCTION                                                 Formatted                         ...
3.01                                                                                                  Formatted: Body Text, Left
3.01         The Port shall notify the Union as soon as possible of any deduction authorization         Formatted                                ...
received by the Port. Upon receiving notice from the Union, the Port agrees to deduct from the         Formatted                                ...
paycheck of each Union member or each non-member voluntary financial supporter covered        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
by this Agreement who has voluntarily so authorized it, the initiation fee, and regular monthly         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
dues, assessments or voluntary non-member financial supporter fee. Such authorization for         Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
deductions may be made in writing, electronically or through recorded voice. The Port shall        stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
transmit fees and dues to the Union once each month on behalf of the employees involved. If         Formatted                                ...
a deduction error is identified, the error will be addressed as soon as practicable. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
3.02         3.02       The Port agrees to notify the Union of any new employees employed         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
in classifications covered by this Agreement within five (5) business days from date of hire.            Right: 0.17", Space Before: 0.05 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
3.03         3.03        A Union member or voluntary financial supporter of the Union may         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
cancel their payroll deduction authorization in accordance with the terms of the Union’s payroll         Formatted: Body Text, Left
deduction authorization form by giving written notification to the Union. If the Union receives         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
such written notification, confirmation will promptly be sent to the Port by the Union when the         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
terms of the employee’s signed payroll deduction authorization form regarding cancellation         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
have been met.   The Port will make an effort to end the automatic dues deduction effective        1.16", Left
the first pay period but no later than the second pay period after receipt of the written         Formatted                               ...
Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

cancellation notice. 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

3.04         The Union agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Port for any actions taken         Formatted                                ...
pursuant to this Article. The Union agrees to refund to the Port any amounts paid to it in error         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
upon presentation of proper evidence thereof.                                                        Right: 0.18", Space Before: 4.1 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
ARTICLE 4 - BULLETIN BOARDS AND ELECTRONIC MAIL                                stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Two (2) bulletin boards found to be mutually acceptable and in compliance with the needs of         Formatted                                ...
limited use by the Union shall be provided by the Port. These bulletin boards shall be located         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
one each near or in bargaining unit employee break areas. It is understood and agreed that         Space Before: 4.6 pt
the Union shall maintain the bulletin boards and that no material shall be posted which is         Formatted                               ...
obscene, defamatory, endorses or opposes candidates for public office or which would impair
Port operations. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Union Stewards may make limited use of the Port’s telephones, FAX machines, copiers, and         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
similar equipment for purposes of contract administration in compliance with the Port’s policies         Formatted                                ...
governing use of public resources. In addition, Stewards and Union staff may use the Port’s
electronic mail system for communications related to contract administration and sending
notices, provided they comply with the Port’s policies governing electronic mail and internet
use. In no circumstances shall use of the Port’s equipment interfere with operations and/or
service to the public. 
Formatted: Body Text
ARTICLE 5 - BUSINESSUNION REPRESENTATIVE ACCESS                              Formatted                         ...
Formatted: Justified
The  Port  agrees  to  allow  reasonable  access  to  Port  facilities  for  business        Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.27",
representativesUnion Representatives who have been properly authorized by the Union for          Space Before: 4.6 pt
contract administration purposes.  Such access shall be permitted in a manner as not to           Formatted                                ...
interfere with the functions of the Department or the Port. This Article shall apply within the
constraints of federal or state regulations and statutes. 
ARTICLE 6 - PAY PERIODS                                                            Formatted                          ...
Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0.05 pt
All employees shall be paid biweekly, and in no case shall the Port hold back more than          Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.27",
fourteen (14) daysdays’ pay.  No deductions shall be made from paychecks without the          Space Before: 4.6 pt
written consent of the employee, except as provided by federal, state, or municipal law. If          Formatted                                ...
the Port makes a payroll error resulting in an employee being owed five-hundred dollars 
($500.00) or more in gross straight-time pay, the Port shall make payment to the employee in
the form of a separate check given to the employee within three (3) business days (for the
purposes of this Article, business days shall be defined as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday, and Friday). If the Port makes a payroll error resulting in an employee being owed
between one hundred dollars ($100.00) and five hundred dollars ($500.00) in gross straighttime
pay, the Port shall make payment to the employee in the form of a separate check given
to the employee within five (5) business days.   If there is a payroll error resulting in an
employee being owed less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in gross pay, the Port will
include the pay correction on the employee’s next regular pay check. 


                                                                                                               Formatted                                ...
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Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted                                ...
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If an employee is overpaid in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more, the          Formatted                                ...
employee will pay back the Port in four (4) payments, taken out of the next four (4) paychecks.          Formatted                                ...
If the amount of overpayment is less than five hundred dollars ($500.00), it will be taken in          Formatted                                ...
two (2) equal amounts out of the next two (2) paychecks.                                             Formatted                                ...
No claim by an employee of any discrepancy in pay shall be considered by the Union or the                                                 ...
Port unless filed within thirty (30) days after receipt of the paycheck containing such          Formatted                               ...
discrepancy. The thirty (30) day limitation shall not apply, however, where the discrepancy          Formatted                                ...
arises from failure by the Port to authorize payment of a general automatic wage increase          Formatted                                ...
called for by this Agreement.                                                                         Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
As a condition of continued employment, all employees are required to participate in the Port’s          Formatted                                ...
direct deposit program for payroll purposes.                                                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
ARTICLE 7 - UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT                                             Formatted                         ...
All uniforms or specified wearing apparel necessary in the performance of his/hertheir work                                                  ...
shall be furnished, laundered, or cleaned by the Port at no cost to the employee. All wage                                                  ...
personnel will be required to wear Port authorized uniforms.                                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted Table                           ...
Upon ratification, all bus drivers shall be issued one (1) additional jacket in the same style as          Formatted                                ...
the jacket previously issued to the PSSR members.                                                  Formatted                               ...
Formatted                                ...
ARTICLE 8 – HOLIDAYS                                                            Formatted                         ...
8.01                                                                                                  Formatted                                ...
8.01         Employees shall receive twelve (12thirteen (13) paid holidays and designated          Formatted                                ...
days of normal observance as indicated below: (Except as otherwise provided in Sections 8.02         Formatted                                ...
and 8.03 below).   Employees shall be eligible for personal holidays after completing the       Formatted                          ...
probationary period.                                                                                 Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
HOLIDAYHoliday              Normal Day of Observance 
New Year's Day                January 1                                                                                  ...
Presidents’ Day                 Third Monday in February                                  Formatted                                ...
Memorial Day                  Last Monday in May                                    Formatted                             ...
Juneteenth                     Day to be designated by Port each year                    Formatted                               ...
Fourth of July                   July 4                                                     Formatted                                ...
Labor Day                     First Monday in September                               Formatted                              ...
Veterans’ Day                  November 11                                             Formatted Table                           ...
Thanksgiving Day              Fourth Thursday in November                            Formatted                              ...
Christmas Day                 December 25                                           Formatted                              ...
Four (4) Personal Holidays       Dates Selected by Employee                               Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Employees shall individually select personal holidays of their choice to be used each calendar
year, January 1st through December 31st. Such personal holiday usage shall be subject to Port                                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives                          Formatted                                ...
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022                                                    Formatted                                ...
– Page 3-- 3                                                       Formatted                                ...
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

management's approval in each case. Personal holidays must be used by December 31st of         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
each calendar year or will be lost. Requests for cancellation of approved personal holidays         Formatted: Font: 8 pt, Not Superscript/ Subscript, Raised by 
4 pt
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

can be made; however, to insure approval, personal holiday cancellation requests must be        Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
submitted prior to the biweekly bid process that includes the requested cancelled days.        Space Before: 4.1 pt
Employees do not have a right to displace another employee from scheduled work due to
personal holiday cancellation unless cancellation is the result of an unforeseen personal
hardship. Unforeseen Holiday shifts will be offered in seniority order.                                 Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Holiday pay for regular part time and unscheduled part time employees shall be prorated on         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18"
an average daily work schedule per week, calculated over a five (5)-week period. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
8.02         8.02       Holiday pay for full-time regular employees shall be eight (8) hours at         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
the employee's regular rate of pay. All full-time regular employees shall be paid for all holidays         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
indicated in Section 8.01 above regardless upon which day of the week the holiday shall fall,         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
except as provided in Section 8.03 below. Employees working on holidays shall receive one         1.16", Left
and one-half (1½) extra days pay which shall be added to their regular biweekly pay. Except         Formatted                                ...
for personal holidays, holidays listed under Section 8.01 above shall be observed to coincide
with dates commonly observed by State authority in lieu of the above. Any such readjusted
schedule shall be established in December of each year for implementation in the following
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
year. To be eligible for holiday pay, a full-time employee must have been on Port compensated
time during the thirty (30) calendar days preceding the holiday. Such qualifying compensated         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
time shall be limited to time worked, paid vacation, paid sick leave, bereavement leave, or jury         Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
duty.                                                                                                at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
8.03         8.03       If a holiday falls on an employee's normal day off, the employee may                                                ...
exercise the option of taking another day off within thirty (30) days; otherwise, holiday pay will         Formatted: Body Text, Left
be paid.                                                                                             Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: single
ARTICLE 9 - HEALTH AND WELFARE                                                 Formatted                         ...
9.01                                                                                                  Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
9.01         Effective June 1, 20182022 (based on May hours), and each month thereafter         Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
during the period this Collective Bargaining Agreement is in effect, the Port agrees to pay to         Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
the Washington Teamsters Welfare Trust c/o NORTHWEST ADMINISTRATORS, INC. for
Formatted: Body Text, Left
every employee covered by this Agreement who was compensated for eighty (80) hours or
more in the preceding month as follows. The preceding month shall be defined by an eligibility         Formatted                                ...
date range that has been established as administratively appropriate by the Port and the Trust.         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
Before: 0.05 pt, Outline numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering
Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 
a.     a.          Health    &    Welfare    -    Contribute    the    total    sum    of         0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
$1433. 0 0 per1,514.60 per month for continued benefits under "PLAN A" (price         Formatted: Body Text, Left
includes an additional $18.00 for domestic partner coverage) with Time Loss "Plan         Formatted                                ...
A" ($18.00), and Life Insurance "Plan A" ($8.60).                                        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Outline
numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
b.     b.   Dental - Contribute the sum of   $132$122.70 per month for continued         Tab stops: 1.16", Left
benefits under the "PLAN A" (price includes an additional $2.20 for domestic         Formatted: Body Text, Left
partner coverage).                                                                     Formatted: Font: 10 pt
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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 5-- 5

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

c.     c.   Vision ·Contribute the sum of $17.30 per month for continued benefits under         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
the "EXTENDED BENEFITS" (price includes an additional $0.20 for domestic         Formatted: Character scale: 100%, Not Expanded by /
partner coverage).                                                                      Condensed by 
Formatted: Character scale: 100%
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numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Effective June 1, 2018May 31, 2023, each employee eligible for benefits in any month shall         Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
contribute $75one hundred fifteen dollars ($115.00) toward the cost of the Health & Welfare         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
monthly premium.                                                                               Space Before: 4.1 pt
Effective the first day of the month following the execution of this agreement, each employee eligible
for benefits in any month shall contribute $85.00 toward the cost of the Health & Welfare monthly
Formatted: Font: 7.5 pt, Bold
Effective June 1, 2020, each employee eligible for benefits in any month shall contribute $100 .00
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.55 pt
toward the cost of the Health & Welfare monthly premium. 
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
The Union will assist the Port in acquiring information from the medical benefits trust to insure         Formatted: Body Text, Left
that the Port is in compliance with the ACA. At any time during the term of this agreement, if         Formatted                                ...
the benefits provided by Washington Teamsters Welfare Trust become subject to an excise         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
penalty, the parties agree to meet and discuss the impact. In the event the Affordable Care         Formatted                                ...
Act’s Multiemployer Safe Harbor rule sunsets, the parties agree to open this section with
respect to reporting and eligibility. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
9.02         9.02       Maintenance of Plans. The Trustees may modify benefits or eligibility         Formatted                                ...
of any plan for the purposes of cost containment, cost management, or changes in medical         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
technology and treatment.   If increases are necessary to maintain the current benefits or         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
eligibility, or benefits or eligibility as may be modified by the Trustees during the life of the         Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
Agreement, the Port shall pay such premium increases as determined by the Trustees.                1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
9.03         9.03       The Port agrees to provide to each unscheduled part time employee         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
a yearly calendar that shows the health and welfare eligibility date range for each month of the         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
year in January that includes January of the following year.                                           Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
9.04         9.04       Retirees’ Welfare Trust. Effective June 1, 20182022, based on May         Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
hours, contribute the sum of $94.85 per employee per month for continued benefits under the         Formatted: Body Text, Left
"RWT PLUS PLAN." Monthly premiums required by the welfare trust, to maintain retiree      Formatted                      ...
coverage, greater than $94.85 per month shall be paid by the employee through wage        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
diversion.                                                                                           Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
Effective June 1, 20172022, based on May hours, the Port shall contribute the following for         1.16", Left
continued benefits under the Retirees Welfare Trust “RWT-PLUS PLAN”, and the Port shall         Formatted: No underline
reduce each member of the Bargaining Unit’s wages by an amount equal to one half (1/2) of         Formatted: Body Text, Left
the monthly premium per member. 
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Effective June 1, 2018    2022  $94.85 
Effective January 1, 2019         $94.85                                                  Formatted                                ...
Effective January 1, 2020         $TBD                                                   Formatted: Body Text, Centered, Right: 0.01", Space
Before: 0.05 pt, Tab stops: 2.5", Left
Effective January 1, 2021         $TBD
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 7-- 7

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
ARTICLE 10 – PENSION                                                             Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.55 pt
10.01                                                                                                Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
10.01        Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund. Effective as designated         Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
below, the Employer shall pay the amounts stated below to the Western Conference of        Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Teamsters Pension Trust Fund on account of each of its employees who perform the work        Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
listed under the classifications and wage section of this Agreement for every hour for which         Formatted: No underline
compensation is paid, said amounts to be computed monthly, provided that the maximum
Formatted: Justified
annual contribution shall be limited to 2,080 hours: 
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.35 pt
(*Program for Enhanced Early Retirement)                Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Basic             *PEER/84          Total                                     Formatted: Condensed by 0.3 pt
Contribution       Contribution       Contribution                            Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Effective   Rate               Rate               Rate                                      Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
6/1/18      $2.78              $0.18              $2.96                                     Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Basic              *PEER/84          Total                                  Formatted: Condensed by 0.4 pt
Contribution       Contribution       Contribution 
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Effective     Rate                Rate                Rate                                    Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
6/1/22        $2.78               $0.18               $2.96                                    Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.6 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.5 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.55 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.45 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 3.16", First line: 0", Space
After: 0.4 pt


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt, Bold
The contributions required to provide the Program For Enhanced Early Retirement (PEER) will         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
not be taken into consideration for benefit accrual purposes under the Plan. The additional         Formatted                               ...
contribution for the PEER/84 must at all times be 6.5% of the basic contribution and cannot be         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
decreased or discontinued at any time.                                                               0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt
Formatted: Body Text
The contributions shall be due and payable to the area administrative office no later than twenty         Formatted                                ...
(20) days after the end of each month. In the event the Employer fails to make the monetary         Formatted                                ...
contribution in conformity with this Article of the Agreement, the Trustees shall be free to take         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
any action which is necessary to effect collections, and the Employer shall pay all costs of        0.18", Space Before: 0.05 pt
collections, including reasonable attorney fees. 
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline
Vacation time will be considered as time worked for the purpose of the Employer contribution         Formatted: Body Text, Left
referred to above.                                                                                   Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
10.02       PSRRs AND BUS DRIVERS - Pacific Coast Benefits Trust.  Effective June 1, 2018,      Formatted: Body Text, Left
the Port shall pay into the Pacific Coast Benefits Trust, on account of each member of the bargainin g
unit with at least two (2) years of continuous service, an amount equal to one dollar ($1.00) for eac h     Formatted                                ...
hour for which compensation is paid to such employee. The total amount to be computed monthly.      Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.07", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
10.02        Effective January 1, 2020Pacific Coast Benefits Trust. Effective June 1, 2022, the        Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
Port shall pay into the Pacific Coast Benefits Trust, on account of each member of the bargaining        1.16", Left
unit with at least two (2) years of continuous service, an amount equal to one dollar and twenty-        Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.07"
five ($1.25) for each hour for which compensation is paid to such employee. The total amount        Formatted                                ...
to be computed monthly.                                                                          Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Effective January 1, 2021 the Port shall pay into the Pacific Coast Benefits Trust, on account of
each member of the bargaining unit with at least two (2) years of continuous service, an amount                                               ...
equal to one dollar and thirty-five cents ($1.35) for each hour for which compensation is paid to        Formatted: Justified
such employee. The total amount to be computed monthly.                                          Formatted                               ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
ARTICLE 11 -– VACATIONS                                                             Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
11.01                                                                                                Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
11.01        At any time after the successful completion of the probationary period, employees         Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
may request and use vacation leave of up to the number of hours accrued at the time of the         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.35 pt
desired vacation date. Vacation hours shall be accrued hourly based on straight time hours
paid based on the following accrual rates:                                                                                                   ...
Formatted                                ...
Five (5) daysTen (10) days’ vacation during the first (1st) year of service (0.0192308 x 2080           Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.66", Space Before: 
0.05 pt
annual hours = 5 days per year) 
Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0.3
Ten (10) days vacation during the second (2nd) through the fourth (4th) years of service          pt
(0.038461 x 2080 annual hours = 10 days per year)                                           Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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Fifteen (15) daysdays’ vacation during the fifth (5th) through the ninth (9th) years of              Formatted                                ...
service (0.05769231 x 2080 annual hours =15 days per year)                                  Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.66"
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0"
Twenty (20) daysdays’ vacation during the tenth (10th) year of service through the               Formatted                                ...
fifteenth (15th) years of service (0.0769231 x 2080 annual hours = 20 days per year) 
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.66", Line spacing: 
Multiple 0.98 li
Twenty-one (21) daysdays’ vacation during the sixteenth (16th) year of service and              Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
beyond. (0.080693 x 2080 annual hours = 21 days per year).                                  Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0.4
Vacation pay shall be calculated on the basis of an employee's straight-time hourly wage.              Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.66", Space Before: 
11.02        11.02             When paid holidays, as outlined in Article 8 of this Agreement,         0.05 pt
fall within an employee’s vacation period, employees shall receive holiday pay and will not have         Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt, No underline, Font color: Auto
vacation deducted that day.                                                                         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.55 pt
Formatted                                ...
11.03                                                                                                Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0.16"
Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

11.03        Whereas the Port and the Union recognize the importance of employees utilizing         Formatted                                ...
accrued vacation leave to promote and enhance their mental and physical well-being,        Formatted                            ...
employees shall attempt to use vacation leave during the year in which it is earned. To that
end, an annual vacation bid process shall be conducted and additional vacation request
procedures are established as outlined in Article 19.                                                  Formatted: Font: Not Italic
Formatted: Body Text, Left
11.04        11.04             Employees are strongly urged to take vacation in the year         Formatted                                ...
following the eligibility date when it was earned. No more than two hundred forty (240) hours         Formatted                                ...
of vacation may be carried over at any time. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
11.05        11.05             Employees must use all accrued vacation and sick leave prior         Formatted                                ...
to using leave without pay. Leave without pay must be approved by management in advance.         Formatted                               ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
11.06        11.06             When an employee terminates following the six (6) month
probationary period, the Port shall pay 100% of any accrued vacation.                                                                       ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
11.07        11.07             Requests for cancellation of approved vacation can be made;         Formatted                                ...
however, to insure approval, vacation cancellation requests must be submitted prior to the         Formatted                                ...
biweekly bid process that includes the requested cancelled days.   Unscheduled part time        Formatted                              ...
employees shall not be involuntarily displaced from scheduled work due to vacation cancellation 
of regular employees, except in cases of emergency. Emergencies may include an employee’s         Formatted: Body Text, Left
or family member’s illness, injury, or death.                                                           Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
ARTICLE 12 - SICK LEAVE                                                               Formatted                           ...
12.01                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
12.01        Employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of .025 per hour compensated.            Formatted: Body Text
Formatted                                ...
Sick Leave will accrue in two banks.                                                                 Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16"
Formatted: Body Text
Bank 1)           Protected Sick Leave.    .025 per hour worked will accrue as        Formatted                             ...
Washington Protected Sick Leave. Employees may utilize this leave in accordance with         Formatted                               ...
the minimum requirements of the Washington State Sick Leave Law, RCW 49.46.210.        Formatted: Body Text
Employee’sEmployees shall be notified on each paystub of the amount of Protected
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Sick Leave they are entitled to use for authorized purposes as defined by the law 
(Appendix B). . Employees shall be entitled to carry over up to a maximum of forty (40)         Formatted                                ...
hours of accumulated Protected Sick Leave into the following calendar year.                    Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.35 pt
Bank 2)            Paid Sick Leave.   .025 will accrue as Paid Sick Leave per hour         Formatted                                ...
compensated, but not worked.                                                             Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
Formatted: Body Text
On January 1st of every calendar year Protected Sick Leave in excess of forty (40) hours will          Formatted                                ...
be transferred to bank 2.                                                                            Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16"
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Probationary employees shall accrue Paid Sick Leave but may not use sick leave from bank 2
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

until they have successfully completed probation.


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Accruals in bank 2 will be computed, up to a maximum accumulation of sixty (60) days of         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
unused Paid Sick Leave, subject to the limitations listed below. There is no limit on the amount         0.17", Space Before: 4.1 pt
of Protected Sick Leave that may be accrued in a calendar year.                                      Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
12.02        12.02             Paid Sick Leave shall be used only in instances of bona fide         Formatted                                ...
employee illness or injury (or others as required by law) resulting in absence from work as         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16",
normally scheduled and shall not be converted to any other benefit or lump sum payment upon         First line: 0", Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 +
termination except as provided in 12.05 below.                                                       Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.16" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 
1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
12.03        12.03             Paid Sick Leave and Protected Sick Leave shall be at the         Formatted: Body Text, Left
employee's regular rate. Foreseen Paid Sick Leave of one (1) week or more for unscheduled         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16",
part time employees shall be charged based on their hours compensated during the preceding         First line: 0", Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 +
five (5) week period.                                                                                Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.16" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 
1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
12.04        12.04             A physician's statement may be required after the employee is         Formatted                                ...
off work for more than three (3) consecutive working days, was previously denied vacation         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
leave for the same period of time, or an established pattern of absences exists (in this instance         Formatted                                ...
the Employer must have previously had a counseling session with the employee and given the         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16",
employee an opportunity to explain the alleged pattern, and inform the employee of the need         First line: 0", Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 +
for a physician statement at the time of the sick call).                                                  Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.16" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 
1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
12.05        12.05             After completion of five (5) years continuous service, an         Formatted: Body Text, Left
employee who terminates shall receive  payment  for  fifty percent (50%) of his/hertheir        Formatted                          ...
accumulated Paid Sick Leave, not to exceed fifty percent (50%%) of sixty (60) days.
Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
12.06        12.06            Paid  Sick  Leave  is  not  available  for  medical  or  dental
appointments; however, Protected Sick Leave may be utilized pursuant to RCW 49.46.210.            Formatted                               ...
Formatted: Font: Not Bold
12.07        12.07             Shared Leave. Employees may participate in the Port of           Formatted: Body Text, Left
Seattle’s Shared Leave Program outlined in HR-5.   The Port of Seattle’s Shared Leave          Formatted                             ...
Program shall not be a bargainable issue. However, the Port agrees to provide advance         Formatted                          ...
notice of any changes to Shared Leave to the Union. 
Formatted: Body Text
ARTICLE 13 – OTHER LEAVE                                                        Formatted                         ...
13.01                                                                                                Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0.05 pt
13.01        Paid Parental Leave. The Port shall continue to provide Paid Parental Leave to         Formatted                                ...
members of this bargaining unit. Eligibility, participation, and terms of the Paid Parental Leave         Formatted                                ...
shall be provided to the bargaining unit members as outlined in Port policy HR-5. The Port may
change or modify its Paid Parental Leave policy and/or procedures. If the Port desires a        Formatted: Font: 12 pt
change/modification the Port agrees to provide the Union with advanced written notice.               Formatted                                ...
13.02                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
13.02        Paid Family Leave.  The Port shall comply with the requirements of the         Formatted                                ...
Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Act and shall have full discretion on meeting those         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
requirements (e.g. Voluntary Plan), which shall not be subject to the grievance procedure or to         Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 13-- 13

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

any other provision of this Agreement or to negotiation by the Union. However, the Port agrees,         Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.7 pt
that for the term of this agreement, the Port shall make contributions to the chosen plan (i.e.         Formatted: Font: 12 pt
State, Approved Voluntary) on the employee’s behalf.                                                Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.75 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.75 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.75 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.8 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt, Not Bold
ARTICLE 14 - WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION           Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
14.01                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
14.01        Supplemental Pay. At the employee’s discretion, an employee may use sick          Formatted: Space Before: 4.6 pt
leave during approved workers compensation time-loss periods. Sick leave supplements will          Formatted: Font: 12 pt
be paid in amounts sufficient to bring the total pay up to the normal bi-weekly rate. When sick          Formatted                                ...
leave is exhausted, vacation leave may be paid in the same proportion as described for sick          Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
leave to bring total pay up to the normal bi-weekly rate.                                               Right: 0.27", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
14.02        14.02             Disability Case Management. The Port of Seattle will provide          stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
all employees with reasonable accommodation and return-to-work assistance as determined          Formatted: Body Text, Tab stops: Not at 0.8"
on a case-by- case basis. Appropriate Port of Seattle personnel will work with the employee           Formatted                                ...
to comply with any and all legal requirements and insurance policies. Such legal requirements           Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
and insurance policies may include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and           Right: 0.27", Space Before: 0.05 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Family Care Act (FCA), workers compensation and long term          Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
disability insurance.                                                                                  stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
14.03        14.03             Declining Light Duty. In the event a light duty assignment is           Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
offered by the Port and the employee chooses not to accept such assignment, as provided by           Right: 0.27", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
law, the employee will not be eligible to receive time-loss compensation. Employees are not           at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
required to accept any assignment that would exceed the restrictions set by their attending          1.16", Left
physician(s) of record.                                                                               Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline
ARTICLE 15 - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE                                                Formatted: Body Text, Left
15.01                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
15.01        An employee who suffers a death in his/hertheir immediate family shall be eligible         Formatted: Font: 12 pt
for five (5) days bereavement leave, which shall be granted by the Port subject to the following         Formatted                                ...
conditions:                                                                                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
a.     The Port shall pay compensation at the employee's regular rate of pay for three 
a.   (3) of the five (5) days.  The two (2) days for which the Port is not                                                ...
compensating can, with the employee's permission, be paid through use of                                           ...
vacation or personal holidays, except when those days fall on the employee's         Formatted                                ...
normal days off. When the two (2) uncompensated days fall on the employee's         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
normal days off, that employee shall not be paid for those two (2) days.                  Formatted: Font: 12 pt
b.     The employee attends the funeral, wake, memorial service, or provides official                                                ...
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Body Text
c.     Immediate family shall be defined as wife, husband, daughter, son, mother,         Formatted: Font: 12 pt
father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law,         Formatted                                ...
daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, step-         Formatted                                ...
parents, step-siblings, step-children, and spouse’s grandparents, aunt, uncle.         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Immediate family shall also include domestic partners and their respective        Formatted: Font: 12 pt
relatives listed above. 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

d.     Compensation for bereavement leave shall cover only time lost during the            Formatted: Font: 12 pt
employee's scheduled workweek.                                                   Formatted                             ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: 0.18", Space Before: 4.1
The employee may be allowed up to an additional two (2) days of paid leave in consideration         pt, Outline numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, …
+ Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent
of the distance to the funeral or to the extent of the employee’s involvement with arrangements         at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
for the deceased. 
Paid bereavement leave for regular part time and unscheduled part time shall be pro-rated        Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
based on the average daily work schedule per week calculated over a five (5)-week period.            0.17"
Formatted: Body Text
ARTICLE 16 - JURY DUTY AND COURT TIME                                            Formatted                         ...
16.01                                                                                                Formatted: Justified
16.01        After thirty (30) days of continuous employment, an employee covered by this         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Agreement who shall be summoned for jury duty shall, upon submission of proper evidence of         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.65 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
his/hertheir attendance in court, be paid his/hertheir regular rate of pay for the actual hours lost         Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
(but not to exceed eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week), less any compensation         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
he/shethey received as a juror. If an employee is released from jury duty and has at least four         Formatted                                ...
(4) hours of his/hertheir shift remaining, he/shethey shall immediately report back to work for the 
remainder of the shift. 
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline
16.02        16.02             An employee who is called upon by the Port to serve as a         Formatted: Body Text, Left
witness in a court case or arbitration involving the Port of Seattle shall be paid his/hertheir regular         Formatted                                ...
rate of pay while performing such witness service during his/hertheir normal shift schedule. An         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
employee performing such witness service outside of his/hertheir normal work schedule shall         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
be paid for a minimum of three (3) hours at the overtime rate for each court appearance         Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
required. Time required in court for such witness service in excess of three (3) hours shall also         1.16", Left
be compensated for at the overtime rate. To verify time in excess of three (3) hours spent in
court, an employee shall submit to the Port a time slip signed by an official of the court.                Formatted: Body Text, Left
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
16.03        16.03             Any fees received from the court by an employee who is a         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
required witness in a Port-related court appearance shall be turned over to the Port. The Port         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
shall reimburse an employee for mileage paid by the court when such employee is a required         1.16", Left
witness in a Port- related court case.                                                                 Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left
ARTICLE 17 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME                                       Formatted                         ...
17.01                                                                                                Formatted: Space Before: 0.05 pt
17.01        Regular Full Time. Eight (8) hours shall constitute a workday and five (5) full         Formatted                                ...
eight (8) hour days shall constitute a workweek. For payroll purposes the workweek is defined         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
as Sunday through Saturday. For PSRR the eight (8) hour day shall be worked within an eight         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
and one half (8.5) hour period in each of the five (5) days. For bus drivers theThe eight (8)        Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
hour day shall be worked within an (8) hour period in each of the five (5) days. Regular full time         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
work schedule will include two (2) consecutive days off.                                               Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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17.02        17.02             Regular Part Time. A work day shall consist of one or more         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
work shifts totaling no more than eight (8) hours (exclusive of unpaid meal periods for PSRR).         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
. Regular part time work schedules shall be twenty (20) to thirty- six (36) hours per week and         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
will include two (2) consecutive days off. Part time schedules of less than five (5) days may         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
not have all work days scheduled consecutively. Example: Work shifts on Sunday, Monday,         1.16", Left
Thursday and Friday; Days off Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday.                                     Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
17.03                                                                                                Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

17.03        Unscheduled Part Time Employees.  Unscheduled part time employees are         Formatted                                ...
employees who do not have a regular full time or regular part time schedule and have no        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
guarantee of hours. Unscheduled part time employees are employees who bid on variable        Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
work week schedules during the biweekly bid process and are offered additional hours of work         Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
by seniority according to the procedures set forth in Article 1519, below.                              stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left
17.04        17.04             Variable Weekly Work Schedule Definition. Variable weekly         Formatted                                ...
work schedules are work schedules comprised of hours of coverage needed in excess of those         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
covered by regular full time and regular part time schedules and include coverage, as needed,         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 0.05 pt, Outline numbered +
in the absence of employees with regular full and regular part time schedules. Variable weekly         Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
work schedules may consist of one or more daily work shifts totaling no more than eight (8)        stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
hours (exclusive of unpaid meal periods for PSRR) and must include one day off in each work
week. Variable weekly work schedules are assigned using the processes outlined in Section
19.03, below. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left

17.05        17.05             Relief Periods                                                        Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16",
a.     PSRRs. A thirty (30) minute unpaid meal period and two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid       Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03,
… + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" +
rest periods are established for each eight and one-half (8-1/2) hour shift. If a PSRR       Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
does not get a break during a shift, the PSRR shall be paid at the overtime rate fo r       Formatted: Font: Not Bold
missing the break. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
The scheduling of such meal period and rest periods for an individual PSRR shall be
as follows: The fifteen (15) minute breaks shall be scheduled approximately midpoin t
of each half (1/2) shift and the meal period shall start no earlier than three (3) hou rs
nor later then the beginning of the fifth (5th) hour from the start of the shift. 
A PSRR who is anticipated to, or works more than three (3) hours beyond thei r
normally scheduled quitting time shall have a one-half (1/2) hour unpaid meal period       Formatted: Body Text, Left
either between shifts or during their shift extension, or one-half (1/2) hour of additiona l       Formatted: Font: 12 pt
pay at the overtime rate if not afforded the meal period.                                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Outline
b.a.   BUS DRIVERS. Meal and rest periods may be combined to provide a forty-five         numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
(45) minute or a one (1) hour PAID meal period for each five (5) to eight (8) hour         1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
Tab stops: 1.16", Left
shift. No other scheduled or relieved breaks are provided. 
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0"
Drivers working less than eight (8) hours shall be eligible for the thirty (30) minute         Formatted                                ...
meal period and one 15 rest period for shifts between five (5) and seven (7) hours.         Formatted                                ...
Drivers working a shift in excess of seven (7) hours shall be entitled to the thirty         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 1.16", Right: 
(30) minute meal period and two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods. Drivers         0.17", Space Before: 0.05 pt
working less than five (5) hours shall receive one fifteen (15) minute rest period.          Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
The scheduling of such meal period for individual bus drivers shall be at the       Formatted                         ...
discretion  of  the  Port  based  on  appropriate  manpower  utilization  and         Formatted                                ...
accommodating to the flow of traffic during each shift. However, the meal period         Formatted                                ...
shall start no earlier than three (3) hours or later than the beginning of the fifth         Formatted                                ...
(5th) hour from the start of the shift.                                                     Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
A bus driver who works through the lunch break shall be paid one-half (1/2) hour         Formatted                                ...
of overtime. 
Formatted                                ...
A bus driver who is anticipated to, or works more than three (3) hours beyond                                 ...
his/hertheir normally scheduled quitting time shall have a one-half (1/2) hour meal         Formatted                                ...
period either between shifts or during his/hertheir shift extension, or one-half (1/2)         Formatted                                ...
hour of additional pay at the overtime rate if not afforded the meal period.                Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
c.   ALL BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES. During overtime hours, employees         Formatted                                ...
shall be entitled to the same meal periods and/or rest periods that the employee         Formatted                                ...
they are covering would have had.                                                     Formatted                               ...
Formatted                                ...
During overtime hours when an employee is working a special assignment,        Formatted                             ...
breaks and meal periods will be provided as practicable. 
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
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Formatted                                ...
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Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt, Not Bold, No underline
Employees may be required to report to work or work extended hours in       Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
emergency conditions. Employees required to stay overnight or between shifts         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 1.16", Right: 
will be provided reasonable accommodations and subsistence.                         0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
17.06        17.06             Overtime.  Time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any         Formatted: Body Text, Left
twenty-four (24) hour period shall be considered overtime and shall be paid for at the rate of         Formatted                                ...
one and one-half (1.5) times the employee's regular rate of pay; unless such period of work is
as a result of the employee's following shift beginning within the twenty-four (24) hour period; 
and the employee has had ten (10) hours off before returning to work, in which case the time
will be considered straight-time. Employees may voluntarily work a shift with at least eight (8)
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17",
but less than ten                                                                                    Space Before: 0.05 pt
(10) hours off on the first day of the bi-weekly bid without triggering overtime under this         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
provision.                                                                                           Formatted: Body Text, Left
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
Time compensated in excess of forty (40) straight-time hours in any one (1) employee's
Formatted: Body Text, Left
workweek shall be considered overtime and shall be paid for at the rate of one and one-half
(1.5) times the employee's regular rate of pay.                                                       Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17"
Formatted                                ...
Overtime shall be paid on one basis only, and there shall be no compounding or pyramiding of         Formatted: Font color: Auto
overtime. The overtime rate shall be calculated based upon an employee’s shift differential, if         Formatted: Body Text
applicable, as provided in Article 20 (c). b). On no occasion shall the Port offer time off in lieu         Formatted                                ...
of overtime.                                                                                         Formatted: Font: 8 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
ARTICLE 18 - CALL BACK                                                             Formatted                          ...
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
When an employee is called back the same day, after the completion of a day's work, and after         Space Before: 4.6 pt
leaving the Employer’s premises, a minimum of four (4) hours shall be paid at the applicable         Formatted: Font color: Auto
rate of pay. Employees who are called back for failure to complete in a satisfactory manner         Formatted: Body Text
work which has been assigned shall not be eligible for the four (4) hours' minimum pay provided         Formatted                                ...
by this Article. 
Formatted: Justified
ARTICLE 19 - SCHEDULE AND VACATION BIDDING                                                                     ...
19.01                                                                                                Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt, After: 0
pt, Line spacing: single
19.01        Annual Work Schedule and Vacation Bid for Regular Full Time, Regular Part         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
Time, and Unscheduled Part Time employees. Regular full time and regular part time work         After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style,
Line spacing: single, Outline numbered + Level: 3 +
schedules shall be bid once per calendar year in order of seniority by the following procedure.         Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Regular part time bid lines shall only be created by mutual agreement of the parties.                   Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
1.     Available work schedules shall be posted and distributed to employees at least         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
one week prior to the start of the bid process. The bid process shall begin by         Formatted                                ...
November 5 of each year with a bid preference sheet and seniority list.                   Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
2.     Each employee will bid their preferred schedule by seniority. Each employee shall
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 21-- 21

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

bid their shift and vacation at the same time.                                            Formatted: Font color: Auto


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

3.     The bid work schedules will be posted and distributed to staff no later than 48         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
hours after the bid is completed. A copy of the schedule will also be sent to the         Before: 4.1 pt, After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of
the same style, Line spacing: single, Outline numbered +
Union.  The vacation calendar will be posted in the Toll Plaza and the initial         Level: 3 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
vacation bid will be also posted at Shelter 1.                                           Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left
4.     New schedules will start the first day of the first bi-weekly bid of the New Year.            Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
More frequent schedule revisions may be necessary due to operational changes. If schedules         Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Hanging: 0.5", Space
After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style,
require revisions of greater than fifteen (15) minutes to the start and or quit time, the Port and         Line spacing: single, Outline numbered + Level: 3 +
the Union will meet in good faith to arrive at an alternative schedule. Such changes will require         Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
the Union’s agreement, to the extent required by law.                                                 Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
+ 1.16", Left
19.02                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
19.02        Vacation Bidding.
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
1.     Employees will have from 0000 to 2400 on their assigned bid day to select their         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
shift and vacation time.                                                                 Formatted: Font: 7.5 pt, Not Strikethrough
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.55 pt, After: 0
2.     If an employee is unavailable during the bid process, he/shethey will leave a list         pt, Line spacing: single
of preferred shifts and daysdays’ vacation dates in a locked proxy box prior to         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
their assigned bid day. Note: The number of preferences must equal the seniority         Before: 4.6 pt, After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of
of the employee.                                                                       the same style, Line spacing: single, Outline numbered +
Level: 3 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab
Three (3) vacation slots per day will be made available per classification during the annual        stops: 1.16", Left
vacation bid process, limited to a maximum two (2) off on any shift. Additional requests for         Formatted: Not Strikethrough
vacation leave from all bargaining unit members will be first come/first serve and approved         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
consistent with operational staffing needs. In general, requests for use of vacation leave shall         After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style,
Line spacing: single, Outline numbered + Level: 3 +
be granted, when the request is made prior to the initial posting of the biweekly bid process for         Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
the dates requested, provided there is adequate coverage available.                                  Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
Formatted                                ...
Requests to cancel approved vacation shall be considered based on operational impact. To         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space
insure approval, vacation cancellation requests must be submitted prior to the biweekly bid         between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: single
process that includes the requested cancelled days. Employees do not have a right to displace         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17",
Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
another employee from scheduled work due to vacation cancellation unless cancellation is the
result of an unforeseen personal hardship. Employees released to return to work from medial                                                ...
leave may displace employees from scheduled work.                                               Formatted                              ...
19.03                                                                                                Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
19.03        Biweekly Foreseen Schedule Bid. 
A.                                                                                                                                            ...
Formatted                                ...
A.     Two Week Biweekly Bid Schedules. Two (2) week schedules will be configured         Formatted                                ...
by management as follows:                                                          Formatted                              ...
1.     When back fill is needed for a forty (40) hour weekly work schedule of an         Formatted                                ...
employee on leave, such schedule shall be an available schedule for bid         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
and shall not be broken up. Weekly 40-hour bid vacation assignments       Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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shall be offered to unscheduled part time employees in order of seniority,         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
in lieu of rotation. It is agreed that when 40-hour bid vacation assignments         Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.6 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 1.9 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.6 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.85 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.6 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.65 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

offered under this Section are back-to-back, requiring two (2) periods of         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 1.66", Right: 0.17",
work without a day off, the first day of the second 40-hour period will be         Space Before: 4.1 pt, After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
assigned to another employee. 
2.                                                                                                    Formatted: Font color: Auto
2.     Individual work shifts, to be filled, will be configured into two (2) week         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2 +
schedules; first, with weekly schedules of thirty-two (32) - forty (40) hours         Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
that include at least one day off; then by combining the remaining shifts         Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left
while maintaining the “ten -hour rule”.                                            Formatted                                ...
3.                                                                                                    Formatted                                ...
3.     Where possible shift rotation will be minimized.                                   Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Hanging: 0.5",
B.                                                                                                     Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2
B.     The Bid Process (Foreseen).     To fill foreseen staffing needs a biweekly            + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
+ Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66",
schedule bid will be conducted for variable weekly work schedules as follows:            Left
1.                                                                                                     Formatted                                ...
1.     Regular part time employees will be offered additional hours, up to forty          Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: 0.18", Space After: 0 pt,
(40) hours per week, prior to those hours being made available to         Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering
Style: A, B, C, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 
unscheduled part time employees through the biweekly bid process. The         0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
additional hours offered will not include forty (40) hour blocks described in         Left + 3.66", Left
Article 1719.03 A (1) above.                                                     Formatted                                ...
2.                                                                                                     Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 1.66", Right: 0.17",
2.     On a biweekly basis, two (2) week schedules, configured according to         Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
Article 1719.03 (A) above, with a preference bid sheet will be posted and         Formatted                                ...
distributed to employees.                                                        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
3.                                                                                                     After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
3.     The two (2) week bid schedules and bid sheets shall be posted and         Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left
distributed every two (2) weeks on a Saturday no later than 5:00 pm. The         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
day and time will be set annually by the Employer and communicated to         After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2 +
employees. A change to the set day and time must be communicated to         Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left
the Union thirty (30) days in advance unless and emergency situation         Formatted                               ...
occurs such as the responsible supervisor is on unscheduled leave. 
4.                                                                                                                                            ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
4.     The available two (2) week bid schedules will be posted and distributed for         Before: 0.05 pt, After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered
bid via email, employee bulletin boards in the Toll Plaza command center         + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
and the Shelter 1 driver area, and electric media as available (e.g.,       Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab
stops: 1.66", Left
5.                                                                                                                                            ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: Hanging: 0.5",
5.     The designated day for posting shall be three (3) days prior to the bid day.          Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2
6.                                                                                                    + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
6.     Bidding shall be by seniority and each employee shall have a designated         + Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66",
bid appointment time of fifteen (15) minutes with the scheduler/supervisor         Formatted                                ...
on every other Wednesday following the Saturday posting. 
7.                                                                                                                                            ...
7.     Employees may submit a bid preference sheet prior to bid day in lieu of         Formatted                                ...
bidding in person or by phone on bid day.                                        Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

8.     It is the employee’s responsibility to contact the scheduler/supervisor         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
during the designated fifteen (15) minute time slot to bid on a preferred         Before: 4.1 pt, After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
two (2) week work schedule.                                                    Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab
9.                                                                                                     stops: 1.66", Left
9.     If an employee fails to submit their bid preference sheet prior to bid day or         Formatted                                ...
fails to make contact during the designated time they may lose their         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Space
seniority preference for that biweekly schedule bid process. A late caller         After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
can choose among schedules available at the time of the late call.                 Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left
10.    Employees can choose to “drop to the bottom” by stating so at their bid         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
time, declining to submit a bid or choosing not to call in on the bid day.         After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 2 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Unfilled schedules will be assigned in reverse seniority order including         Aligned at: 1.16" + Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left
those employees who have “dropped to the bottom”. 
11.    The final schedules will be posted no later than 4:00 pm Thursdays for two         Formatted                                ...
(2) week schedule starting the following Sunday.                                  Formatted                                ...
19.04                                                                                                Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 1.66", Space
19.04        Scheduling Unforeseen Hours.  When additional hours not included in the         After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
biweekly bid process become available, those additional hours will be offered on a seniority         Formatted                              ...
basis to regular part time and unscheduled part time employees who do not have forty (40)
hours per week scheduled. Those employees will have the option to bypass available hours         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: 
when offered if there is a lower seniority employee available to take the offered hours and that         single
employee will not go into overtime or violate the ten (10) hour rule.   As a last resort,       Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17",
management reserves the right to assign hours in reverse seniority order on a mandatory basis         Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
to unscheduled part time employees. When none are available overtime will be offered to         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
regular full -time employees in seniority order.                                                       Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
In addition to the option of bypassing work to less senior, unscheduled part time employees         Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single
may decline work offered three (3) times per quarter. When an employee declines work that         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
employee shall not be required to accept a new shift of work for twenty-four (24) hours from         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Outline
the start of the offered shift.                                                                          numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at:
Declining work a fourth (4th) time in a quarter will result in a written warning and further incidents          0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
of declining work shall be subjected to further progressive discipline consistent with Article 23.           Formatted                                ...
19.05                                                                                                Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Outline
19.05        Scheduling Overtime.  Management shall offer overtime to the most senior         numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … +
employee consistent with the overtime provisions in 17.06.                                            Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at:
19.06                                                                                                 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
19.06        Trading Days Off.  When an employee wishes to trade work shifts and/or days         Formatted                                ...
off with another employee, such trading of work shifts and/or days off shall be subject to         Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: 0.18", Space After: 0 pt,
Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering
management approval and to the following controls and conditions:                                   Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 
a.                                                                                                     0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
a.     A trade must involve an exchange of work shift and/or days off between two (2)          Left
employees that does not result in overtime or a violation of the ten (10) hour rule.          Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

b.     When a “trade” involving days off occurs, paychecks may fluctuate to reflect         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
actual hours worked. Management may deny any trade that results in payment         Before: 4.1 pt, After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 +
of any applicable overtime rate-of-pay for any party involved in the trade. In each         Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab
case, days off must be taken within two (2) weeks of when a “trade” occurs.              stops: 1.16", Left
c.                                                                                                    Formatted                                ...
c.     Employees must give management notice in writing of a requested trade at least         Formatted                                ...
twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the proposed trade dates.                         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Space
19.07                                                                                                After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
19.07        Labor/Management Review. The Parties may agree to meet from time-to-time            Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
to discuss issues that may arise concerning the scheduling procedures.                               Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: First line: 0", Right: 
ARTICLE 20 - CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES OF PAY                                    0.17", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Outline
numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … +
Effective  June  1,  (a)   Years of Service        Rate                                           Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at:
0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Entry             $18.49                                         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
After 1 year          $18.77                                          Formatted                                ...
After 2 years         $19.22                                          Formatted: Font: 7.5 pt, Bold
After 3 years         $20.08                                          Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.55 pt
After 4 years         $20.93                                         Formatted: Font: 11 pt
After 5 years         $21.78 
After 6 years         $22.64 
After 7 years         $23.49 
After 8 years         $24.34 
After 9 years         $25.20 
After 10 years        $26.05 

Effective June 1, 2018, base rates for employees still employed in this bargaining unit on the date
of the Union’s ratification of this agreement shall be increased by three percent (3%). 
Effective June 1, 20192022, base wage rates for employees still employed in this bargaining          Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.27",
unit on the date of the Union’s ratification of this agreement shall be increased by one hundred          Space Before: 4.6 pt, Tab stops: Not at 0.44"
percent (100%) of the October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six
percent (0-6%). %) plus four percent (4%). 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
BUS Effective June 1, 2020, base wage rates shall be increased by one hundred percent (100%)        Formatted                               ...
of the October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six percent (0-6%).
Should the increase be less than three percent (3%) but equal to or greater than zero percent
(0%), all employees shall receive a lump sum in the amount of the difference between the October
through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U and three percent (3%) of their W-2 gross wages
paid during the previous twelve (12) months (i.e. June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020). In the event
there is a lump sum payment, employees who have experienced unpaid protected leave during
the previous twelve (12) months will have the lump sum calculation based on hours they would        Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

have otherwise been scheduled to work during the previous twelve (12) months (excluding       Deleted Cells
overtime).                                                                                             Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Effective June 1, 2021, base wage rates shall be increased by one hundred percent (100%) of the        Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Right: 
October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six percent (0-6%). Should the        0.29", Line spacing: Exactly 12.6 pt
increase be less than three percent (3%) but equal to or greater than zero percent (0%), all        Formatted Table
employees shall receive a lump sum in the amount of the difference between the October through        Deleted Cells
October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U and three percent (3%) of their W-2 gross wages paid        Deleted Cells
during the previous twelve (12) months (i.e. June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021). In the event
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
there is a lump sum payment, employees who have experienced unpaid protected leave during
the previous twelve (12) months will have the lump sum calculation based on hours they would        Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
have otherwise been scheduled to work during the previous twelve (12) months (excluding       Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Right: 
0.29", Line spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Formatted Table
Lead PSRR:                                                                         Deleted Cells
In the event the Port creates a Lead PSRR assignment, the Port agrees to provide notice and       Deleted Cells
negotiate any mandatory subjects requested.                                                         Formatted                               ...
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Right: 
(a)    DRIVER                                                                               0.29", Line spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Formatted Table
(b)    BUS DRIVER    Years of Service              Rate                 Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Right: 
Entry              $20.93                    0.29", Line spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
24.42                     Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
After 6 mo.                $21.27        Formatted                                ...
After 1 year           $22.14                    Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
25.42                     Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Right: 
After 2 years          $22.99                    0.29", Line spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
26.39                     Formatted                               ...
After 3 years          $23.84 
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
After 4 years          $24.70                    Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.17", Line
spacing: Exactly 13.6 pt
After 5 years          28.35 
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.3", Line
After 6 years          $25.55                    spacing: Exactly 13.6 pt
After 7 years          29.33                      Formatted                                ...
$26.40                  Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.17"
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
31.30                      Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.3"
Formatted                                ...
Effective June 1, 2018, base rates for employees still employed on the date of the Union’s        Formatted                                ...
ratification of this agreement shall be increased by three percent (3%).                                  Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.17", Line
spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Effective June 1, 2019, base wage rates for employees still employed in this bargaining unit on        Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
the date of the Union’s ratification of this agreement shall be increased by one hundred percent        Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
(100%) of the October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six percent (0-        Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.3", Line
6%).                                                                                                  spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Formatted                                ...

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Effective June 1, 2020, base wage rates shall be increased by one hundred percent (100%) of the
October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six percent (0-6%). Should the
increase be less than three percent (3%) but equal to or greater than zero percent (0%), all
employees shall receive a lump sum in the amount of the difference between the October through
October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U and three percent (3%) of their W-2 gross wages paid
during the previous twelve (12) months (i.e. June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020).  In the event
there is a lump sum payment, employees who have experienced unpaid protected leave during
the previous twelve (12) monthswill have the lump sum calculation based on hours they would
have otherwise been scheduled to work during the previous twelve (12) months (excluding
Effective June 1, 2021, base wage rates shall be increased by one hundred percent (100%) of the
October through October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U, zero to six percent (0-6%). Should the
increase be less than three percent (3%) but equal to or greater than zero percent (0%), all
employees shall receive a lump sum in the amount of the difference between the October through
October Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue CPI-U and three percent (3%) of their W-2 gross wages paid
during the previous twelve (12) months (i.e. June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021). In the event
there is a lump sum payment, employees who have experienced unpaid protected leave during
the previous twelve (12) monthswill have the lump sum calculation based on hours they would
have otherwise been scheduled to work during the previous twelve (12) months (excluding
overtime).                                                                                             Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 1.16", Right: 0.28"
Formatted                                ...
Effective June 1, 2018Effective June 1, 2022, Bus Drivers with at least twelve          Formatted                                ...
(12) months of service who meet the eligibility requirement of no driver caused          Formatted: Heading 1, Indent: Hanging: 0.5", Numbered +
accidents and no seatbelt violations in the twelve (12) months prior to June 1,          Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab
20182022, shall receive a one percent (1%) wage premium for the following          stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
twelve (12) months.                                                                    Formatted: Font: 8 pt, Bold
Effective June 1, 2019, Bus Drivers with at least twelve (12) months of service who meet the
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space
eligibility requirement of no driver caused accidents in the twelve (12) months prior to June 1, 2019        Before: 0.05 pt
shall receive a one percent (1%) wage premium for the following twelve (12) months.                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Hanging: 0.5", Space
Effective June 1, 2020, Bus Drivers with at least twelve (12) months of service who meet the        Before: 4.6 pt, Numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1,
eligibility requirement of no driver caused accidents in the twelve (12) months prior to June 1, 2020        2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.16" +
Indent at: 1.66", Tab stops: 1.66", Left + 1.66", Left
shall receive a one percent (1%) wage premium for the following twelve (12) months.
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0.4
Effective June 1, 2021, Bus Drivers with at least twelve (12) months of service who meet the
eligibility requirement of no driver caused accidents in the twelve (12) months prior to June 1, 2021                                                ...
shall receive a one percent (1%) wage premium for the following twelve (12) months.                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
(c)                                                                                                    Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.03", Line
(b)    SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS:                                                               spacing: Exactly 12.6 pt
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Centered, Indent: Left: 0.16",
Right: 0.21", Line spacing: Exactly 12.6 pt
1.     1.   Shifts shall be identified by starting times, as follows: 
Formatted Table
Day Shift:            From:   4:00 a.m.      To: 11:59 a.m.                           Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Swing Shift:          From: 12:00 noon      To:   7:59 p.m.                           Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Graveyard Shift:      From:   8:00 p.m.       To:   3:59 a.m.                           Formatted: Table Paragraph, Left, Indent: Left: 0.03", Line
spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
2.     2.   Employees assigned to a swing shift shall receive seven and one-half         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
percent (7.5%) per hour above their regular classification rate [as listed in         Formatted: Condensed by 0.3 pt
items (a) or (b) above].   Employees assigned to graveyard or relief shifts         Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 1.5 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.3 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Expanded by 3.95 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

shall receive ten percent (10%) per hour above their regular classification         Formatted                                ...
rate [as listed in items (a) or (b) above].                                          Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 1.66", Space Before: 
4.1 pt
(c)    (d)  TRAINING PAY: Training Pay. Employees assigned to training duties               Formatted: Body Text
shall be compensated at one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium for time spent             Formatted                                ...
performing those duties.                                                                Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: 0.34", Numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 
ARTICLE 21 - PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES                                          1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text
After employment, PSRRs and bus drivers shall be on probationary status for a working              Formatted
equivalent of six                                                                                                                            ...
(6) months. The probationary period may be extended an additional three (3) months by mutual                                                ...
agreement between the employee, the Port and the Union.                                          Formatted                               ...
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16"
ARTICLE 22 - NON-DISCRIMINATION                                                    Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Formatted                                ...
It is mutually agreed between the Port and the Union that there shall be no discrimination          Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
against any employee or applicant for employment or against any Union member or applicant          0.27", Space Before: 4.6 pt
for membership because of race, ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex,          Formatted                                ...
pregnancy, gender identity or expression, age (over 40), sexual orientation, religion, military
status, disability, marital status, citizenship status, political ideology, veteran status, the
presence of any physical or mental disability, whistleblower status, use of workers’
compensation, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) use, or any other category protected by
applicable federal, state, or local law. , regulations, and ordinances. 
The Port and the Union are committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in the
workplace. The Port refers to equity as the fair treatment, access, opportunities, and         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
advancement for all people while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented         Formatted                                ...
the full participation of historically oppressed communities.                                            Formatted: Justified
ARTICLE 23 - HANDLING OF DISCIPLINARY MATTERS                                                                  ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
23.01                                                                                                Right: 0.18", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
23.01        Just Cause. The Port shall not discipline or discharge any employee without just         Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
cause.                                                                                              stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left
23.02        23.02             Investigation Meetings.  The Employer shall recognize the         Formatted                                ...
right of an employee to union representation in an investigation/fact-finding meeting that could         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
lead to the discipline of the employee. An employee who waives this right shall acknowledge         Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
such in writing.                                                                                      Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
23.03        23.03             Written Warning Notices. If a written warning notice involves         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
a specific incident or violation, such notice, to be considered valid, must be issued within       Formatted                          ...
fourteen (14) calendar days after the Port became aware of the occurrence of such incident or         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
violation claimed by the Port. The timeline to issue written warning notices may be occasionally 
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

extended in order for the Employer to perform a fair and complete investigation with mutual        Formatted                            ...
agreement between the Port and Union. Written warnings shall be considered inactive and 
can no longer be used to justify further disciplinary action after eighteen (18) months following
the issuance of the written warning as long as no further incident or violations of the same
nature have occurred. At least one written warning notice identifying a complaint against the 
employee must have 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

previously been given to the employee with a copy to the Union prior to discharge of the         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
employee with the following exceptions:                                                              0.17", Space Before: 4.1 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.4 pt
a.     Probationary employees may be discharged for just cause without prior written
warning notice.  Such discharged employees will not have access to the grievance
b.     Discharge resulting from any of the infractions identified in 23.04 below require no
prior written notice. 
23.04        Infractions requiring no written warning notice prior to discharge. 
a.     Gross misconduct such as but not limited to the following: 
• Theft in connection with Port employment - including stealing time, materials,
money, belongings, or equipment, 
• Gross Insubordination, 
• Fighting on Port premises, 
• Possession, sale, use of, or under the influence of - unprescribed narcotics or
controlled substances or alcohol while on Port premises, 
• Deliberate falsification of official Port documents or records, 
• Willful destruction or damage to Port property, 
• Willful or gross disrespect for customers; or
• Committing a felony while on duty. 
b.     Serious vehicle violations including but not limited to the following: 
• A serious accident wherein the employee is proven to be grossly negligent by a
preponderance of the evidence, 
• Willful failure to provide a timely report of an accident involving Port equipment,
• Willful vehicle abuse of a serious nature including reckless driving, or 
• Unauthorized use of a company vehicle or the carrying of unauthorized
passengers on the Port's equipment. 
23.05       Discharge and Suspension Notices. The Employer shall recognize the right of
a.     Probationary employees may be discharged for just cause without prior written
warning notice.  Such discharged employees will not have access to the
grievance procedure. 
b.     Discharge resulting from any of the infractions identified in 23.04 below require 
no prior written notice. 
23.04        Infractions requiring no written warning notice prior to discharge. 
a.     Gross misconduct such as but not limited to the following:                                Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

•      Theft in connection with Port employment - including stealing time, 
materials, money, belongings, or equipment, 
•      Gross Insubordination, 
•      Fighting on Port premises, 
•      Possession, sale, use of, or under the influence of - unprescribed 
narcotics or controlled substances or alcohol while on Port premises, 
•      Deliberate falsification of official Port documents or records, 
•      Willful destruction or damage to Port property, 
•      Willful or gross disrespect for customers; or 
•      Committing a felony while on duty. 
b.     Serious vehicle violations including but not limited to the following: 
•      A serious accident wherein the employee is proven to be grossly negligent 
by a preponderance of the evidence,                                             Formatted: Expanded by 0.25 pt
•      Willful failure to provide a timely report of an accident involving Port 
Formatted: Expanded by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 0.4 pt
•      Willful vehicle abuse of a serious nature including reckless driving, or 
•      Unauthorized use of a company vehicle or the carrying of unauthorized          Formatted: Expanded by 0.25 pt
passengers on the Port's equipment.                                             Formatted: Expanded by 0.35 pt
Formatted: Expanded by 0.4 pt
23.05        Discharge and Suspension Notices. The Employer shall recognize the right of          Formatted: Expanded by 0.4 pt
an employee to due process prior to disciplinary suspension or discharge from employment.         Formatted: Expanded by 0.35 pt
Notice of recommended disciplinary suspension or discharge shall be timely made following         Formatted: Expanded by 0.4 pt
the investigation of the circumstances resulting in the recommendation, normally within thirty         Formatted: Expanded by 0.3 pt
(30) calendar days after the Port became aware of the incident.  The notice of proposed         Formatted: Expanded by 0.4 pt
discipline shall include the facts upon which the charges are made and a scheduled opportunity         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
to respond to the charges. Notification of a final decision following the response opportunity         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
shall normally be within seven (7) days.                                                              Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.2",
Space Before: 0.05 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.85 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.85 pt
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23.06        Right of Rebuttal. Employees shall have the right to provide a written rebuttal         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
statement as an attachment to any/all corrective action.                                               Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.2", Space Before: 4.1 pt, Outline numbered + Level:
2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 6 + Alignment:
23.07        23.07             Notice to the Union.  The Port agrees to provide courtesy          Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 
copies (cc) to the Union of written warnings; and, notices of recommendations for discipline and          1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
final disciplinary letters in cases involving suspension and discharge.                                  Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Right: 0"
ARTICLE 24 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE                                             Formatted                        ...
24.01                                                                                                Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
24.01        A grievance shall be defined as an issue raised relating to an alleged violation of         Right: 0.2", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style:
01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 6 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 
any terms or provisions of this Agreement.                                                           -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
24.02                                                                                              Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Body Text
Step 1.  The employee or the employee and the shop steward shall, within        Formatted                            ...
fourteen (14) calendar days from the occurrence or knowledge of the occurrence of an alleged         Formatted                                ...
grievance, bring said grievance to the attention of the Supervisor, using the grievance form         Formatted                               ...
attached to this agreement as Appendix A. The Supervisor shall make every effort to resolve         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
the alleged grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days after its initial submission. 
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Step 2. In the event no settlement is reached within the fourteen (14) calendar                                                 ...
day period, the employee or the employee and the shop steward shall, then within fourteen          Formatted                                ...
(14) calendar days, bring said grievance to the attention of the Manager or designee. The         Formatted: Body Text, Left
Manager or designee shall make every effort to resolve the alleged grievance within fourteen          Formatted                                ...
(14) calendar days after submission.                                                                  Formatted                                ...
(14) calendar days, bring said grievance to the attention of the Manager or designee. The          Formatted                                ...
Manager or designee shall make every effort to resolve the alleged grievance within fourteen          Formatted                                ...
(14) calendar days after submission.                                                                  Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Step 3. In the event no settlement is reached within this fourteen (14) calendar         Formatted                                ...
day period, the Union shall provide a copy of the written grievance to the Port's Director of
Formatted: Body Text, Tab stops: Not at 1"
Labor Relations or the Director’s designee. Representatives of the Union and the Port shall
then meet to attempt settlement of the grievance.                                                                                            ...
Formatted                                ...
(Time limitations identified in Steps 2 and 3 may be waived by mutual agreement         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Tab stops: Not at 1"
between the Port and the Union.)                                                                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Mediation. In the event no settlement is reached by the Union and the Port         Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
within thirty (30) days of the Step 3 meeting, upon mutual agreement, the Port and the Union         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.55 pt
may agree to submit the grievance to a mediator appointed by the Public Employment      Formatted                       ...
Relations Commission or another mutually agreed upon mediator for mediation. If mediation         Formatted                               ...
fails to resolve the issue(s), or if both parties do not agree to submit the grievance to mediation, 
then the matter may be referred to arbitration by the grieving party. Nothing said or done by         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
the parties or the mediator during the grievance mediation can be used in the arbitration
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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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proceeding.                                                                                         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Step 4. In the event no settlement is reached by the Union and the Port, within         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
thirty (30) calendar days of the Step 3 meeting or the mediation session, the parties shall have         Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
the right to submit a demand for arbitration to the Port. Within seven (7) calendar days after 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

the demand for arbitration, the Union and the Port shall mutually agree upon an arbitrator. If         Formatted                                ...
the parties fail to agree, the grieving party shall, within seven (7) calendar days request a list         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", First line: 0",
of seven (7) qualified neutrals from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS).         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.1 pt, Tab stops: Not at 1"
Within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the list, the Union and the Port shall alternately
strike the names on the list, and the remaining name shall be arbitrator. The hearing on the
grievance shall be informal and the rules of evidence shall not apply. The arbitrator shall not         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt, Tab
stops: Not at 1"
have the power to add to, subtract from, or modify the provisions of this Agreement in arriving         Formatted                                ...
at a decision of the issue or issues presented; and shall confine his/hertheir decision solely to
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16"
the interpretation, application, or enforcement of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall confine
himself/herselfthemself to the precise issue submitted for arbitration, and shall have no authority         Formatted: Body Text, Left
to determine any other issues not so submitted to him/her. them. The decision of the arbitrator         Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
shall be final and binding upon the aggrieved employee, Union, and the Port.                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
0.17", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
The Port and the Union shall share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 
Formatted: Body Text
24.03             Nothing herein shall prevent an employee from seeking assistance from          Formatted                               ...
the Union or the Union from furnishing such assistance at any stage of the grievance                  Formatted: Font: 8 pt
procedure.                                                                                         Formatted: Body Text
Formatted                                ...
ARTICLE 25 -– STRIKES                                                                Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0.16", Space
Before: 4.6 pt
In recognition of the Port's status as a municipal corporation, there shall be no strikes, lockouts,         Formatted: Body Text, Left
picketing, work stoppages, or similar activities to impede Port operations.                              Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 8 pt
ARTICLE 26 -– RESPONSIBILITY                                                        Formatted: Body Text
Formatted                                ...
Employees shall not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property except in the case of         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17",
proven negligence.   Upon request of the Union a full report will be furnished to the Union by         Space Before: 4.6 pt
the Port.                                                                                            Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left
ARTICLE 27 - SUB-RENTALS                                                         Formatted                          ...
Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0.05 pt
It is understood and agreed that where sub-rentals or leases are entered into covering any of
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.17",
the operations set forth in Article 20 of this Agreement, the conduct of such operations shall be         Space Before: 4.6 pt
in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.                                                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Formatted: Body Text, Left
Both the Port and the Union agree that the Union members covered by this Contract take pride         Formatted                                ...
in their membership in the Teamsters Local 117. It is mutually agreed that in order to recognize         Formatted: Justified
their membership and display that pride, the Port will provide nameplates, upon request for         Formatted                                ...
each employee to use while at work. These nameplates will be mounted in the buses for the         Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
Drivers and on the exit booths for PSRRs during each individual member’s shift.  Each         0.17", Space Before: 4.65 pt
nameplate will contain the first name of the employee and state their membership in Teamsters         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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Local 117. In addition, the nameplate may contain customer service oriented wording such as         Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
“reliable” and “courteous.” A sample depiction is below:                                              Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
Reliable and Courteous                                           Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Helping you today is:                                             Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
Proud Member of Teamsters Local 117 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Reliable and Courteous
Helping you today is:
CAROL                                     Formatted                       ...
Formatted: Space Before: 4.6 pt
Proud Member of Teamsters Local 117                               Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.65 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
ARTICLE 29 -– MEETINGS                                                             Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
29.01                                                                                                stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
29.01        Employees who are requested to attend optional instructional meetings on their                                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
own time (not those held on Company time) shall be paid for actual time spent at the meetings
only. Overtime rate-of-pay shall be paid under the provisions of Article 17 – Scheduling, Hours         Formatted                                ...
of Work and Overtime. The four (4) hour minimum required under Article 18 - Call Back shall         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
not apply.                                                                                           Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
29.02        29.02             Up to one employee per classification (currently EP Bus Driver,
Formatted: Body Text, Left
PSRR) selected by the Union to attend negotiating sessions shall be paid for time lost from their 
regularly scheduled shifts. They will not be paid overtime on hours outside of their regularly         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
scheduled shifts.                                                                                    Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
29.03        29.03             When  employees  are  required  to  attend  a  mandatory
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
meeting(s) and they meet the requirements of Article 18, they shall be paid in accordance with
Article 18 (Call Back). This shall not be construed as to apply to training.                             Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 8 pt
ARTICLE 30 - SAVINGS CLAUSE                                                      Formatted: Body Text
Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
If any article in this Agreement or any appendix hereto should be held invalid by operation of         0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt
law or by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with or enforcement of any        Formatted                             ...
article or appendix should be restrained by such tribunal, the remainder of this Agreement and         Formatted: Body Text, Left
its appendix shall not be affected, and the parties shall enter into immediate collective         Formatted                                ...
bargaining negotiations for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement of         Formatted: Justified
such article.                                                                                         Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
ARTICLE 31 - SENIORITY AND REDUCTION IN FORCE                                    Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
31.01                                                                                                Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
31.01        Seniority shall commence when assigned as an employee in the bargaining unit         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
and shall remain in force while assigned as an employee.   Seniority shall be broken by       Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
termination, after one (1) year on layoff, after (1) one year leave without pay, or by leaving the         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
bargaining unit. Seniority shall have no required applications except as specifically provided         Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
for in this Labor Agreement.                                                                         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
31.02        31.02             For purposes of shift and vacation bidding, and in the event of         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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a reduction in force, there shall be two seniority lists - one for regular employees assigned as
PSRRs and one for regular employees assigned as bus drivers. one (1) seniority list. The least         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
senior employee shall be the first laid off and the last employee laid off shall be the first recalled. 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Appropriate utilization of affected classes may modify the preceding paragraph.   If this         Formatted                               ...
becomes necessary, the Union will be notified prior to the layoff.   If the Union requests a       Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
meeting for the purpose of discussion, such a meeting will be scheduled.                              Space Before: 4.1 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Left
31.03        31.03             All time worked as an employee in the bargaining unit shall         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
count towards seniority. Employees shall have seniority from their date of hire. Employees         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
shall be promoted to full-time based on seniority. After one probationary period, employees         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
shall not be probationary again, except in the event an employee changes job classifications         1.16", Left
within the bargaining unit.   If an employee, under the aforementioned situation does not         Formatted                                ...
successfully complete probation in the new classification he or she shall be allowed to return
to his/hertheir prior classification without loss of seniority. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
31.04        31.04             In the event of a reduction in force due to automation, the         Formatted                                ...
following provisions shall apply:                                                                      Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
a.     a.   The Port of Seattle shall provide written notice to the affected employee at         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date.                           1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text, Left
b.     b.   Employees receiving written notices shall have outplacement service made         Formatted: Condensed by 0.05 pt
available to them. These services shall be arranged and paid for by the Port of         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Outline
Seattle.                                                                                numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
Tab stops: 1.16", Left
c.     c.   An employee who has been subject to a reduction in force due to automation         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0"
shall not suffer a break in seniority and may be eligible for recall for up to two (2)         Formatted                                ...
years from the date of the layoff. All employees in this category shall keep a        Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Outline
current address and phone number on file with the Port of Seattle. The employee         numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
shall notify the Port of Seattle of any change of address or phone number, in         1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
Tab stops: 1.16", Left
writing, within fifteen (15) days of the change. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0"
31.05                                                                                               Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17", Outline
31.05             Severance. Should the need arise for a permanent reduction         numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
in a classification covered within this Agreement, the Port agrees to meet with the Union to         1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
bargain the effects of such decision. The topics to be included in such impact negotiations will         Tab stops: 1.16", Left
include severance payments, if any, and the timing and notice period for such reduction.               Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0"
ARTICLE 32 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION                                           Formatted                         ...
Formatted                                ...
As provided below in this Article, Bus Drivers and Parking Service Revenue Representatives         Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt, Bold
bargaining unit employees shall be eligible for participation in the Port of Seattle's Deferred         Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.55 pt
Compensation Plan. Eligibility and participation of said employees shall be subject to the terms         Formatted                                ...
and conditions of such plan including any plan amendments, revisions, or possible cancellation.        Formatted: Justified
It is further agreed that content of the plan itself, plan administration, and any determinations 
made under the plan shall not be subject to any other provisions of this Labor Agreement or to                                                ...
negotiation by the Union.                                                                            Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
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ARTICLE 33 - EXAMINATIONS                                                         Formatted                          ...
33.01                                                                                                Formatted: Space Before: 4.1 pt
33.01        CDL Medical Card Exam. The Employer shall cover the cost of the medical exam         Formatted                                ...
required to maintain the CDL related medical card for bus drivers. The cost of exam shall be         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
covered in one of two ways. First the employee may schedule the exam with a Port provided         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
physician at no cost to the employee; second, the employee may schedule the exam with         Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
his/hertheir own physician and the Port will pay the equivalent fee as the Port pays its own         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
provider to the employee’s selected provider or to the employee on a reimbursement basis. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
33.02        33.02            CDL Medical Card Exam Stipend. Each bus driver shall be         Formatted                                ...
provided a stipend equivalent to two (2) hours straight time pay for obtaining their CDL required         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
medical card.   It is understood that the medical exam will be conducted on the employee’s        Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
own time.                                                                                           Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
ARTICLE 34 - DRUG TESTING - SUBSTANCE TESTS                                    Formatted                         ...
34.01        The Parties agree that for the purposes of Drug and Alcohol testing as it relates         Formatted: Font: 12 pt
to  CDL  positions,  the  Port  shall  be  in  conformance  with  all  Federal  Department  of         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Transportation regulations.                                                                          Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
34.02        34.02             The Parties agree that for the purposes of Drug and Alcohol         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
testing as it relates to CDL positions, the Port shall comply with the Port of Seattle Commercial         Formatted: Body Text, Left
Driver Drug and Alcohol Policy. In the event the Port decides the Policy needs to be changed,         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
the Port agrees to discuss these changes with the Union prior to permanent changes being         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
made.                                                                                         at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
ARTICLE 35 - EDUCATION PROGRAM EMPLOYEE LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT          Formatted                       ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
To provide career development opportunities to bargaining unit employees, the Union and       Formatted                         ...
management will support employee participation in the Port’s employee development and
internship programs. Successful applicants to internship programs shall remain members of
the bargaining unit and retain all rights and benefits under the Collective Bargaining Agreement,
except that temporary schedule adjustments and/or alternate work schedules to accommodate
internship activities shall be allowed as agreed between the participating departments and the
Educational assistance for employees shall be subject to managementthe approval. It is         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18"
agreed that if funds of the Manager. Employees are not available from other sources, such as
special Federal or State programs, with the advance approval of management, the Port shall
provide eligible to apply for College Degree Tuition reimbursement limited to job related
educational curriculasupport under the terms of HR-12. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
The Parties understand that the Employment Development and Education opportunities
identified in Article 35 shall not be subject to bargain and are subject to revision by the Port.
However, the Port agrees to provide advance notice of any changes to this program. 

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ARTICLE 36 - MORE FAVORABLE CONDITIONS                                       Formatted                        ...
Formatted: Font: 8 pt
Working conditions, such as wages, hours of work or conditions of employment currently in        Formatted: Body Text
effect, more favorable to employees than those set forth herein, shall remain in effect during         Formatted: Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 0.18",
the life of this Agreement to the extent required by law.                                               Space Before: 4.6 pt
Formatted: Font color: Auto, Not Strikethrough
ARTICLE 37 – MISCELLANEOUS                                                   Formatted: Body Text, Left
37.01                                                                                                Formatted                                ...
37.01        Accidents. Employees shall not be required to stand the cost arising out of any         Formatted: Justified
accident in which they may be involved during the normal course of their job duties, nor shall         Formatted                                ...
they be discharged for being involved in an accident unless the employee in question has been         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
proven to be negligent by a preponderance of the evidence.                                          Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
37.02        37.02             Illegal Equipment.  Employees shall not be required to drive         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
equipment that does not conform to applicable City, State, and Federal vehicle codes. The        Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Port shall reimburse employees for all fines and make whole any loss in pay resulting from         Formatted                               ...
arrests and/or citations for driving illegal Port equipment. Drivers shall not suffer a loss of         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
working hours or pay for refusal to operate an illegal company vehicle which is a bona fide        Right: 0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
safety hazard.                                                                                       Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
37.03        37.03             Time Clocks.  All employees will be required to report their         Formatted: Body Text, Left
time on designated time clocks and/or other medium (e.g. computer, laptop, etc.) as directed         Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt
by the Port. Employees will be paid for all time worked.                                               Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
37.04        37.04             Commuter Benefits. The Port agrees to extend to members of         Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
the bargaining unit a discount priced ORCA card on the same basis as such benefit is provided         1.16", Left
to non-represented employees. The Port reserves the right to modify or discontinue the benefit         Formatted: Body Text, Left
without a duty to bargain if the benefit is modified or discontinued for non-represented         Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
37.05        37.05             Employee Parking.  For the life of this Contract employee         Formatted: Body Text, Left
parking shall be provided at no cost to the employee at places designated by the Port.         Formatted                               ...
Additionally, vacation parking shall be provided at no cost to employees on the same basis as         Formatted                                ...
provided to non- represented employees as long as such benefit is provided. 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
ARTICLE 38 - TRANSFER OF WORK/CONTRACTING                                    Formatted                        ...
Formatted: Space Before: 0.05 pt
The Port of Seattle will not contract out any of the work presently being done by PSRRs and         Formatted                                ...
bus drivers during the term of this Agreement. It is understood that no Port client or customer 
is forced to utilize Port services. The Port will not suggest to the customer or client that it would                                                ...
be more economically feasible for the customer to use services other than those provided by         Formatted: Font: Not Bold
the Port.  It is also understood the Port may not have any control over the decision of the         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
customer or client in selecting certain services or service providers.                                   Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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ARTICLE 39 - BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE                                   Formatted: Condensed by 0.3 pt
1.                                                                                                     Formatted: Condensed by 0.3 pt
39.01        The Port and the Union agree to establish a joint labor-management Business           Formatted: Condensed by 0.35 pt
Partnership Committee to deal with issues relevant to the Port’s Employee Parking and public          Formatted: Condensed by 0.35 pt
parking operationsOperation.                                                                          Formatted: Condensed by 0.55 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.1 pt
2.                                                                                                     Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Justified
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: First line: 0", Right: 
0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered + Level: 2 +
Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:
Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 
1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.35 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.2 pt
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Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.2 pt
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Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
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Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
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Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Strikethrough
Formatted: Font: 12 pt


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

39.02        The BPC’s mission or purpose is to use the collaborative problem-solving process         Formatted                                ...
to make recommendations in areas critical to the Port’s Employee Parking and Public Parking         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
operationsOperations  by expanding the involvement of employees in the management         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
decision-making process.                                                                          Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
39.03        3.   The BPC may, for example, look at job enhancements, service levels, work         Formatted: Body Text, Left
practices, health and safety concerns, increased productivity, training opportunities, and the         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
best  practices  of  other  organizations’  Employee  Parking   and  Public  Parking         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
operationsOperation.                                                                               at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
39.04        4.   The BPC will develop recommendation(s)  for  action by  Port  Aviation         Formatted: Body Text, Left
Operations management on issues related to the mission of the BPC.                                Formatted                               ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
39.05        5.   If   Port   Aviation   Operations   management   cannot   support   a   BPC         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 0.05 pt, Outline numbered +
recommendation, pertinent issues and information will be shared with the BPC.                        Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
39.06        6.   To insure that the Business Partnership Committee can effectively carry out         Formatted: Body Text, Left
its mission, it will enforce the following standards for its members and Port and Union         Formatted                                ...
representatives with whom it works:                                                                  Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
•      There will be open, immediate and candid sharing of all information that                 Formatted: Font: 12 pt
affects the Port’s Employee Parking and Public Parking
operations;Operations; and                                                                                                   ...
Formatted: Body Text, Space Before: 0.05 pt
•      The BPC will be a partnership in both substantive and procedural
decisions involving the Port’s Employee Parking and Public Parking                     Formatted                                ...
operations; Operations.                                                                Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
39.07        7.   The BPC will be made up of up to two (2one (1) Port  managersmanager         Formatted                                ...
representing Employee Parking and Public ParkingOperation and the Port’s assigned Labor
Relations Manager and up to two (2one (1) Union employee representativesrepresentative per
classification and the Union’s assigned  Business  Agent.  Union  Representative.  Other         Formatted: Body Text, Left
representatives may be added as needed and agreed upon by the BPC.                             Formatted                              ...
Formatted                                ...
39.08        8.   The BPC will not discuss pending grievances or interpret the Agreement.         Formatted: Body Text, Left
Budget matters and fundamental business decisions may not be appropriate for thorough        Formatted                           ...
review by the BPC.                                                                                Formatted                               ...
Formatted                                ...
39.09        9.   Unless the Parties mutually agree otherwise, the BPC will meet within thirty         Formatted                                ...
(30) days after the execution of this agreement and on a regular basis thereafter to:                   Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
•      Determine BPC roles and responsibilities; 
•      Develop ground rules (which may include ground rules from bargaining); and                                                    ...
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
•      Develop and implement a work plan. 
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
39.10        10.  Approved minutes of BPC meetings will be distributed to all employees,         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 
management representatives and other Port personnel associated with the Port’s Employee         0.5 pt
Parking and Public Parking operations. Operation.                                                      Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
39.11        11.  The Port and the Union will commit sufficient resources to the BPC so that it         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 10 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
can effectively carry out its mission. Port and Local 117 staff will be available to assist the         -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
BPC.                                                                                   Left
Formatted: Body Text
12.                                                                                                    Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.3 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.15 pt
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 10 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
-0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
Formatted: Expanded by 2 pt


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

39.12         In consideration of the 24 hour nature of the business, BPC meetings will be held         Formatted                                ...
during regular business hours and will generally be scheduled within the hours of member         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
participants. Up to one employee from each classification may be released with pay to attend.         Right: 0.17", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 10 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
13.39.13     In line with the BPC’s mission, the BPC may change its focus during the term of         stops: 1.21", Left + 1.21", Left
the Agreement due to changes in the Port’s Employee Parking and Public Parking operations.         Formatted: Body Text, Left
Operations.                                                                                         Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Justified, Indent: First line: 0", Right: 0.17",
ARTICLE 40 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS                                                Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +
40.01                                                                                                Start at: 10 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent
at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left + Not at 0.5"
40.01        The Union recognizes the prerogatives of the Port to operate and manage its         Formatted: Body Text
affairs in all respects in accordance with its responsibilities and powers of authority.                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Space Before: 0.05 pt
40.02        40.02             The Port reserves any and all exclusive rights concerning the         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
management and operation of the Department, except as specifically limited in this Agreement.        Right: 0.18", Space Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered +
In exercise of such exclusive management rights, it is not intended that any other provision of         Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab
this Agreement providing a specific benefit or perquisite to employees shall be changed,         stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
modified, or otherwise affected, without concurrence of the Union.                                     Formatted: Body Text, Left, Space Before: 0.05 pt
Formatted                                ...
40.03        40.03             Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Port reserves         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
the following specific and exclusive management rights:                                              Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
a.     To  recruit,  assign,  transfer,  or  promote members  to positions  within  the         1.16", Left
Department, including the assignment of employees to specific jobs;                     Formatted: Body Text, Left
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Indent: First line: 0",
b.     To suspend, demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against         Right: 0.18", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering
members for just cause;                                                                Style: 01, 02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned
at: -0.84" + Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 
1.16", Left
c.     To determine the keeping of records;                                                    Formatted: Body Text, Left
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.18", Outline
d.     To  establish  employment  qualifications  for  new  employee  applicants,  to         numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, … + Start at:
determine the job content and/or job duties of employees, and to execute the         1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 1.16",
Tab stops: 1.16", Left
combination or consolidation of jobs; 
Formatted                                ...
e.     To determine the mission, methods, processes, means, policies, and personnel         Formatted: No underline
necessary for providing service and Department operations, including, but not        Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
limited to: determining the increase, diminution, or change of operations, in whole         Formatted                                ...
or in part, including the introduction of any and all new, improved, automated
methods of equipment; and making facility changes; 
f.      To control the Departmental budget, and if deemed appropriate by the Port, to
implement a reduction in force;                                                         Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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g.     To schedule training, work, and  overtime as required in a manner most
advantageous to the Department and consistent with requirements of municipal
employment and public safety, subject to the provisions of this Agreement; 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt
h.     To establish reasonable work rules, and to modify training;                               Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 
0.05 pt
i.      To approve all employees’ vacation and other leaves;                                    Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Hanging: 0.5", Space
Before: 4.6 pt, Outline numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering
j.      To take whatever actions are necessary in emergencies (including runway         Style: a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 
incidents, extreme weather, automated system failure, and public safety threats)         0.66" + Indent at: 1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16",
in order to assure the proper functioning of the Department; and 
Formatted                                ...
k.     To manage and operate its Departments, except as may be limited by provisions         Formatted                                ...
of this Agreement.                                                                      Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Body Text, Left
40.04        40.04             It is understood by the Parties that every incidental              Formatted                                ...
duty connected with operations enumerated in job descriptions is not always specifically             Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: First line: 0", Right: 
described.                                                                                          0.17", Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 01,
02, 03, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: -0.84"
+ Indent at: 0.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left + 1.16", Left
Formatted: Body Text
By reference herein, the Letters of Understanding/Memorandums of Agreements/Appendices         Formatted                              ...
listed below are hereby made part of this Agreement and do not require individual Employer- 
Union signatures: 
Appendix A – Grievance Form 
Appendix B - Landside Fleet Tracking Project 
Appendix C – Aviation Maintenance Vehicle Fleet—“Telematics”
Appendix D – Commuter Trip Reduction Benefits 
Effective upon ratification and execution of the agreement between the parties, in the event a
minimum of fifty (50) current Port of Seattle employees elect to contribute to the Democrat,
Republican, Independent Voter Education (DRIVE), the Port agrees to deduct from the
paycheck of employees covered by this Agreement voluntary contributions to DRIVE.
Deductions must be a minimum of $5.00 per month per contributing employee. Both DRIVE
and the employee shall notify the Port of the amount to be deducted on a monthly basis from
the employee’s paycheck. The Port shall transmit (electronically via ACH) to DRIVE National
Headquarters on a monthly basis, in one (1) check the total amount deducted along with the
name of each employee on whose behalf a deduction is made, the last four numbers of the
employee's social security number and the amount deducted from the employee's paycheck.
The Port shall be obligated to honor only an authorization to deduct the amount specified, in
writing by the employee.  The Port shall have no obligation or responsibility for calculating,
computing, or verifying the amount to be deducted. 
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Local 117 shall reimburse the Employer       Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

annually for the Employer's actual cost for the expenses incurred in administering the bi-weekly
payroll deduction plan. The IBT Local 117 further agrees to facilitate timely recoupment or to
reimburse the Port for any contributions made to DRIVE in error. 


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Upon issuance and transmission of a check to DRIVE, the Port’s responsibility shall cease with
respect to such deductions. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 117 agrees to
indemnify and hold the Port harmless from all claims, demands, suits, or other forms of liability         Formatted                                ...
that may arise against the Port for or on account of any deduction made from the wages of         Formatted: Body Text, Left, Indent: Left: 0.16", Space
Before: 4.6 pt
such employees. 
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
The Port reserves the right to discontinue DRIVE deductions in the event participation drops         Formatted: Body Text, Left
below the minimum of fifty (50) Port employees.                                                      Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted                                ...
Both the Port and Local 117 agree to reopen the contract on DRIVE if any other Local 117        Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Line
bargaining group with the Port of Seattle negotiate contract language with lower minimums on         spacing: Exactly 13.4 pt
the number of employees required to contribute or the total monthly contribution amount in their         Formatted Table
respective contract at any time during the term of this Agreement.                                     Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: 10 pt, No underline
ARTICLE 43 - TERM OF AGREEMENT                                                Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0"
Formatted: Font: Bold
The term of this Agreement shall be June 1, 20182022 through May 31, 2022. 2023. Effective        Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.79"
dates for individual provisions will be as negotiated, herein.                                           Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0"
Formatted: Font: Bold
NO. 117/IBT                                 Formatted                              ...
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.79"
Formatted                                ...
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted                                ...
JOHN SCEARCY                      Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03"
STEPHEN P. METRUCK                Secretary-Treasurer                    Formatted: Font: 13 pt, No underline
Executive Director                                                                       Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0"
Date                                                                              ...
Formatted: Font: 10 pt, No underline
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0"
Date                                                                                    Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.79", Line
spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.2 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Table Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.03", Line
spacing: Exactly 12.8 pt
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

Appendix A                                           Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto
Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto,
Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto,
Condensed by 0.5 pt
Formatted: Normal, Centered, Right: 0.11", Space Before: 
4.1 pt

Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Appendix B                                           Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto
Protected Sick Leave                                 Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto,
Condensed by 0.25 pt
RCW 49.46.210 
Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Underline color: Auto,
(1) Beginning January 1, 2018, every employer shall provide each of its employees paid sick leave       Condensed by 0.5 pt
as follows:                                                                                            Formatted: Normal, Centered, Right: 0.11", Space Before: 
(a) An employee shall accrue at least one hour of paid sick leave for every forty hours worked       4.1 pt
as an employee. An employer may provide paid sick leave in advance of accrual provided that
such front-loading meets or exceeds the requirements of this section for accrual, use, and
carryover of paid sick leave. 
(b) An employee is authorized to use paid sick leave for the following reasons: 
(i) An absence resulting from an employee's mental or physical illness, injury, or health
condition; to accommodate the employee's need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment
of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or an employee's need for
preventive medical care; 
(ii) To allow the employee to provide care for a family member with a mental or physical illness,        Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0.01"
injury, or health condition; care of a family member who needs medical diagnosis, care, or
treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or care for a family member
who needs preventive medical care; and                                  Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.25 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
(iii) When the employee's place of business has been closed by order of a public official
for any health-related reason, or when an employee's child's school or place of care has
been closed for such a reason. 
(c) An employee is authorized to use paid sick leave for absences that qualify for leave under
the domestic violence leave act, chapter 49.76 RCW. 
(d) An employee is entitled to use accrued paid sick leave beginning on the ninetieth calendar
day after the commencement of his or her employment. 
(e) Employers are not prevented from providing more generous paid sick leave policies or
permitting use of paid sick leave for additional purposes. 
(f) An employer may require employees to give reasonable notice of an absence from work, so
long as such notice does not interfere with an employee's lawful use of paid sick leave. 
(g) For absences exceeding three days, an employer may require verification that an employee's
use of paid sick leave is for an authorized purpose. If an employer requires verification,
verification must be provided to the employer within a reasonable time period during or after the
leave. An employer's requirements for verification may not result in an unreasonable burden or
expense on the employee and may not exceed privacy or verification requirements otherwise
established by law. 
(h) An employer may not require, as a condition of an employee taking paid sick leave, that the
employee search for or find a replacement worker to cover the hours during which the employee
is on paid sick leave. 

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

(i) For each hour of paid sick leave used, an employee shall be paid the greater of the minimum
hourly wage rate established in this chapter or his or her normal hourly compensation. The
employer is responsible for providing regular notification to employees about the amount of paid
sick leave available to the employee. 
(j) Unused paid sick leave carries over to the following year, except that an employer is no t
required to allow an employee to carry over paid sick leave in excess of forty hours. 
(k) This section does not require an employer to provide financial or other reimbursement fo r
accrued and unused paid sick leave to any employee upon the employee's termination ,
resignation, retirement, or other separation from employment. When there is a separation from
employment and the employee is rehired within twelve months of separation by the same
employer, whether at the same or a different business location of the employer, previously
accrued unused paid sick leave shall be reinstated and the previous period of employment shal l
be counted for purposes of determining the employee's eligibility to use paid sick leave unde r
subsection (1)(d) of this section. 
(2) For purposes of this section, "family member" means any of the following: 
(a) A child, including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the
employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age
or dependency status; 
(b) A biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee
or the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis
when the employee was a minor child; 
(c) A spouse; 
(d) A registered domestic partner; 
(e) A grandparent; 
(f) A grandchild; or 
(g) A sibling. 
(3) An employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as
an absence that may lead to or result in discipline against the employee. 
(4) An employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for his or her exercise of any
rights under this chapter including the use of paid sick leave. 
[2017 c 2 § 5 (Initiative Measure No. 1433, approved November 8, 2016).]                               Formatted: Body Text
Appendix C                                                                                    Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
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Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
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                                                                                                               Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Memorandum of Understanding                                Formatted
By and Between the                                                                          ...
By and Between the                                                                          ...
Formatted                                ...
PORT OF SEATTLE                                  Formatted                        ...
and                                                Formatted                            ...
TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 117                            Formatted                        ...
AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS               Formatted                        ...
Representing Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives                 Formatted                             ...
Formatted                                ...
PORT OF SEATTLE                                  Formatted                        ...
and                                                Formatted                            ...
AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS                                            ...
Representing Bus Drivers                                                                         ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Re:    Landside Fleet Tracking Project                                  Formatted                               ...
Formatted                                ...
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), made effective as of the date of execution, is         Formatted                              ...
entered into by and between Teamsters Local Union No. 117 (Union) and the Port of Seattle,         Formatted                               ...
referred to herein collectively as the Parties.                                                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
The parties have met and discussed the installation and intended use of a real-time GPS-based         Formatted                                ...
Landside Fleet Tracking system for the Employee Parking buses and have agreed as follows: 
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
1.      The Landside Fleet Tracking Project is primarily intended to provide Landside         Formatted                                ...
Operations with additional tools to manage the many bus trips needed to shuttle         Formatted                                ...
participating airport employees to/from the Port designated airport employee         Formatted                                ...
parking  lot(s),  to  expand  functionality  in  the  future,  and  provide  airport         Formatted                               ...
stakeholders with timely route information.                                             Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
2.      The Parties agree that the Port will not randomly or routinely review the Landside         Formatted                                ...
Fleet Tracking Data solely for disciplinary purposes, or as part of targeted         Formatted                                ...
surveillance for “fishing.” 
Formatted                                ...
3.      Landside Fleet Tracking System data relative to an investigation/complaint                                                ...
involving an Employee Parking driver shall be made available to the Union upon         Formatted                                ...
request in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining         Formatted                                ...
Agreement (CBA) and/or all relevant laws and/or statutes.                              Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
4.      Any information gleaned from the Landside Fleet Tracking System used to         Formatted                                ...
support the Port’s position relative to a disciplinary action and/or actions shall         Formatted                                ...
only be used in accordance with Article 23.01 of the CBA, Just Cause.                  Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
5.      The Parties agree to include the Landside Fleet Tracking System as a discussion         Formatted                                ...
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

point to the future agendas for the Business Partnership Committee meeting
unless and until such time that both parties mutually agree to remove it from the         Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Condensed by 0.25 pt
agenda.                                                                      Formatted: Font: 12 pt
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This                                                                                              Formatted: Font: 12 pt
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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 59-- 59

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Appendix C 
Memorandum of Understanding is effective upon signing and shall expire when incorporated into      Formatted: Font: Bold
a successor CBA between the Parties.                                                               Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.85 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.85 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
NO. 117/IBT 

By:    _____________________________     By:   ____________________________ 
Stephen P. Metruck                          John Scearcy 
Executive Director                             Secretary-Treasurer 

Dated:________________________    Dated:_______________________ 


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Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted                                ...
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Appendix D                                                                            Formatted
Memorandum of Understanding                                                                      ...
“Telematics”                                                                                 ...
By and Between the                                        Formatted                            ...
Formatted                                ...
PORT OF SEATTLE                                  Formatted                        ...
and                                                Formatted                            ...
TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 117                            Formatted                        ...
AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS               Formatted                        ...
By and Between the                                          Formatted                              ...
Formatted                                ...
PORT OF SEATTLE                                  Formatted                        ...
TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 117                                                          ...
AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS                                            ...
Representing Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives                  Formatted                              ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Re:    Aviation Maintenance Vehicle Fleet--“Telematics”                         Formatted                               ...
Formatted                                ...
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), made effective as of the date of execution, is         Formatted                              ...
entered into by and between Teamsters Local Union No. 117 (Union) and the Port of Seattle,         Formatted                               ...
referred to herein collectively as the Parties.                                                          Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
The parties have met and discussed the installation and intended use of telematics1telematics1 
across most, if not all, of the fleet that is maintained by the Aviation Maintenance Department                                             ...
including, but not limited to, Port owned vehicles operated by employees in this bargaining unit.         Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
The parties have agreed as follows:                                                                 Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
1.     Telematics is primarily intended to provide the Port of Seattle with the tools         Formatted                                ...
necessary to achieve the following objectives:                                           Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
•      Reductions in carbon emissions                                           Formatted                                ...
•      Reductions in fuel costs                                                   Formatted                                ...
•      Reductions in maintenance events                                         Formatted                                ...
•      Streamlining maintenance                                                 Formatted                                ...
•      Strategic vehicle/asset dispatching                                         Formatted                                ...
•      Improved customer service                                                Formatted                                ...
•      Improvements in both compliance and safety                              Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
Formatted                                ...
1 Telematics is a fleet management technology system that provides the Port’s fleet management teams with information and data       Formatted                                ...
in real time relative to the status, condition, use, and location of the vehicles to which it is installed.                              Formatted                                ...
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives                          Formatted                                ...
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022                                                    Formatted                                ...
– Page 61-- 61                                                      Formatted                                ...
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                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

2.     The Parties agree that the Port will not randomly or routinely review the telematics         Formatted: Font: 12 pt
data solely for disciplinary purposes, or as part of targeted surveillance for        Formatted                             ...
“fishing.”                                                                               Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17",
Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start
3.     Telematics data relative to an investigation/complaint involving an employee shall         at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 
1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
be made available to the Union upon request in accordance with the terms and 
Formatted: Body Text, Left
conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and/or all relevant laws and/or
statutes.                                                                               Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted                                ...
Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17",
Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start
1 Telematics is a fleet management technology system that provides the Port’s fleet management teams with information            at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 
and data in real time relative to the status, condition, use, and location of the vehicles to which it is installed.                     1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left
Formatted                                ...


                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and/or all relevant laws         Formatted: Condensed by 0.55 pt
and/or statutes.                                                                        Formatted: Condensed by 0.4 pt
Formatted: Condensed by 0.5 pt
4.     Any information gleaned from telematics used to support the Port’s position         Formatted: Condensed by 0.4 pt
relative to a disciplinary action and/or actions shall only be used in accordance
Formatted: Condensed by 0.5 pt
with Article 23.01 of the CBA, Just Cause.
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Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start
at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 
1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left

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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 63-- 63

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers 

Appendix D 
By and Between
Affiliated with the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 
Representing Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives                 Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.4 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Re:    Commuter Benefits                                         Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.4 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
This Memorandum of Understanding is(MOU), made effective uponas of the date of signing         Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.35 pt
and shall expire when incorporated, is entered into a successor CBA by and between
Formatted: Font: Bold
Teamsters Local Union No. 117 (Union) and the Port of Seattle (Employer), referred to herein
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.45 pt
collectively as the Parties. 
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.35 pt
PORT OF SEATTLE                     TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION                     Formatted: Font: Bold
NO. 117/IBT                                         Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.35 pt
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.35 pt
By:    _____________________________     By:   ____________________________                Formatted: Font: Bold, Condensed by 0.1 pt
Stephen P. Metruck                          John Scearcy                                   Formatted: Font: Bold
Executive Director                             Secretary-Treasurer                              Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0.82"
Formatted: Font: Bold
Dated:________________________    Dated:_______________________                   Formatted: Body Text
Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Indent: Left: 0.16", Right: 
Formatted: Body Text
Whereas, the Port establishes and maintains a Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Program that
aligns with the requirements of the State of Washington Commute Trip Reduction Law, and is
consistent with the Port Statement of Values to be responsible stewards of community
resources and the environment; 
Whereas, the Port would like to provide additional benefits aligned with its CTR Program to
represented employees; 
And whereas, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties does not
include CTR program benefits; 
The Parties, agree as follows: 
1.     All Full time, part-time, on-call, and temporary employees, shall be eligible for the
following benefits: 

                                                                            Port of Seattle - EP Bus Drivers          Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li

a.     The One Regional Card for All (“ORCA Card”) Program 
The Port offers ORCA cards to eligible employees at a substantially
reduced cost for transportation on multiple regional transit systems.
Employees who participate in the ORCA card program may also be eligible
for additional subsidized transportation services.  The availability of the
ORCA program, annual cost, potential tax consequences for employees,
and other provisions are subject to change based on guidelines provided
by agencies with whom the Port contracts for the ORCA program benefits,
IRS requirements, as well as the Port’s discretion. 

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Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: Multiple 0.06 li
Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining AgreementJune 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022 
– Page 65-- 65

                        b.     Ferry Reimbursement                                                            Formatted: Left: 0.64", Right: 0.63", Top: 1.24", Bottom: 
0.65", Header distance from edge: 0.5", Footer distance from
edge: 0.52"
Employees who use the Washington State Ferry System for all or part of
their work commute are eligible for reimbursement of ferry commuting
costs up to a monthly maximum. This monthly maximum reimbursement
amount is determined by the Port. Amounts and procedures can be found
on the Total Rewards Compass Page and may be subject to tax; 
2.     The Port shall maintain full discretion to modify, change, amend, and/or
discontinue either and/or both the ORCA program and the Ferry Reimbursement
3.     Prior to modifying, changing, amending, and/or discontinuing either and/or both
the ORCA program and the Ferry Reimbursement benefit, the Port agrees to
provide advance notice to the Union; 
4.     All other terms and conditions of the CBA shall remain in full force and effect.         Formatted: List Paragraph, Justified, Right: 0.17",
Should any terms and conditions in this MOU conflict with the CBA, this MOU        Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start
at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.66" + Indent at: 
shall control.                                                                           1.16", Tab stops: 1.16", Left

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Port of Seattle / Teamsters Local 117 Bus Drivers & Parking Service Revenue Representatives 
Collective Bargaining Agreement 
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