11a. Attachment
03 OEDI 2022 Annual Report
Item No 11a_Attach_3 Meeting Date: February 14, 2023 Equity Matters Workshop Evaluation Summary Organization: Port of Seattle - 2022 Training Title: Supervisor 101 (1 Group) AREA Please circle the comment that best describes your thoughts Relevance of Very Relevant Pretty Relevant Workshop Somewhat Relevant Not Very Relevant Content 30 11 2 0 70% 43 26% 4% 0% ALL Respondents (43) Extent to which the content is relevant to my role as a racially equitable supervisor/ team leader Respondents of Color (18) White Respondents (25) Relevance Staff of Color • Excellent training that works not only in my professional career and also in my personnel life/ extended family. White Staff • Extremely timely as I am currently grappling with a situation where I need to pursue developmentally appropriate racial equity training for one of my direct reports who is a supported employee with a developmental disability. • I have seen the content in multiple trainings, I wish there were new scenarios and content. • Leading from the heart is what it's all about! www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022 AREA Please circle the comment that best describes your thoughts Usefulness of Multiple Useful Ideas At Least One Useful Idea Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Ideas Presented 33 9 43 1 0 77% 21% 2% 0% ALL Respondents (43) Usefulness of ideas presented to my daily work as a racially equitable supervisor/ team leader Respondents of Color (18) White Respondents (25) Usefulness Staff of Color • Great instructions easy to follow and a warm and friendly learning environment. Thank You! • 3H exercise and dialogue within my group during this exercise were significant to me. Sharing of real experiences and how colleagues navigated those situations. Also appreciate the structure of this training allowing/encouraging groups to connect White Staff • The Heart/Head/Hand breakout with Team 10 was a pivotal experience. I went in anxious and timid and came out inspired to act with my heart, head, and "hands." • I have seen the content in multiple trainings, I wish there were new scenarios and content. www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022 I used to think . . . Now I think . . . (shifts in thinking, learning) Staff of Color • I used to think I was alone in my feelings about race all the challenges. • Equity was important. I still think that way • I used to think there wasn't much racial issues. Now I think I have more ideas/solutions to handle the issues • it's difficult, in the moment, to address issues of racism, bias, and inequities when challenged by another Port employee. since all Port employees agree to and are held accountable to the Port's RAISE values, these values should be upheld in all instances. • I used to think negatively about people who shunned equity and diversity training. I used to think that they had some racial issues but now I think that their reluctance may be driven by something else. Using the H3 approach, I now have a tool to ask questions in a non-probing way to find out what is driving the reluctance. • Needing to create more "brave spaces" not just "safe spaces"....to hold people accountable. White Staff • I used to think the Port was good at diversity. Now I still think they are good, but we can always improve. • role plays would be a waste of time • I used to fear addressing racially sensitive subjects, now I feel like I have the tools to handle the situation. • I used to think we could refer EDI issues to HR as they arose, now I think the expectation is that we handle it ourselves and only involve HR if absolutely necessary. • I used to think everything was ok in the fire department but now I think since we are so diverse there probably are employees who feel discrimination • I used to think racial equity was important but now I think it is more than important. It is necessary. • I used to think that POS employees had a firm grip/understanding of a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion, but after parsing the scenarios in this workshop, I realize there is much room for improvement. • self awareness & others perception. • I used to think anyone could have a challenging path to success, but now I understand that despite and hardships I may have had, I still have been very privileged compared to most others. • unknown • Understanding perspective is key to informing next steps • There is still much progress to be made • I used to think I couldn't change someone's point of view. Now I have a model to follow which may help in getting them to see a racial inequity situation in a different light. • I need to disrupt racist actions or words immediately, but now I know taking time to pause will prevent unintended consequences. • I did not really identify a shift. I have been taking advantage of the equity training, caucusing, town halls, etc. offered by the Port and my shifting has been over time. • I was happy to see people that haven't attended DEI training on, there are still those that need/want to train, but need time to be supported at work to attend • "I did not have to tools to confront racial bias but now I do. One thing I will remember later is. . . Staff of Color • One thing I will remember is a co-worker who was in one of the breakout session we bonded and likely will be on there to help each other in the future with communication and respect. • where we are trying to go in the future as a port • One thing I will remember later is that words spoken can be taken out of context. • "Heart, Head, Hand” www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022 • strive to create a brave space • take 90 seconds before responding or engaging. • The 90 rule for "better outcomes"..."creating a better world is asking better questions" - CiKeithia P. Great Quote!! • H3...90 seconds or more :). White Staff • Being open and practicing deep listening. • I have three new friends and resources with regard to EDI topics, my small group teammates • Take time to gain an understanding first, before forming a response or taking action • racial equity is a top priority • I will remember to try and pause for 90 seconds (or as close to that as I can) before giving a response to a racially charged situation. • The best leaders are ones who can synthesize action based on honoring the humanity of our colleagues while fostering a culture of curiosity, deep active listening, and collaboration. • How to respectfully ask for perspectives I don't understand. • Equity matters at work and in my personal life. • I need to find more diverse equity conversations to have in meetings. ... check out short YouTube videos. • Remain open to concerned dialogue • Heart, Head, and Hand - an easy way to remember the three steps. • Don't react, respond • Heart, Head and Hand model. • Head/Heart/Hand approach. • Personal stories our group shared • Not to jump in immediately. • "Never assume negative intent” One thing I still have questions about is. . . Staff of Color • One thing I have a question on is the POS policy on what is acceptable our signature box. Some guidance on this would be appreciated. I also noted several others expressed interest in this as well. • Transparency • How can we have more training on this topic. • we can hold folks accountable to the Port's values at surface level, how do we connect and get to a deeper point so the responses are no longer "I didn’t realize it's still going" • what could/should I be doing to an advocate for those outside of my own race/gender/sexual orientation. White Staff • Why can't we all get along? • If I feel unprepared in any particular situation with EDI challenges that arise, who do I go to for help other than my peers? HR? EDI? Do you offer 3rd party guidance? • Which, if any, situations should be immediately escalated to HR • I wish we had a couple of key ppt slides for reference later. • trying to understand how and why extreme racist groups exist? • "You said come to this training wanting to learn and not with the intention of being destructive or divisive. What will/would happen if someone/some people did come with ill intent? Trying to figure out what to do in the face of intransigent racism/misogyny/homophobia/racism...” • What is the POS polices on what is acceptable in a signature box. • How to address a race bias issue with someone who refuses to see other perspectives. • resources for confrontations and equity moments/topics/engagement • Why there is no mention of how much benefit could be had if this type of knowledge sharing and training is not more prevalent in educating our youth. While there is value in training us in www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022 the professional world, teaching our youth would impact this matter more deeply, more appropriately, and would likely generate lasting results quicker. • Is it ever not my place to talk about racial inequities because I am white? • How to make a heart connection with someone who has a very different values system from me. • more on how to respond to racist comments One connection I made to my work is. . . Staff of Color • One connection was with a co-worker and realizing were different races but value some of the same beliefs. • I come from a place where the port is trying to get to. • similar experiences. • implicit bias and structural racism • being aware of issues facing other employees and how that will impact how they are showing up. • Continue to be brave White Staff • Definitely enjoyed and benefited from having these conversations with co-workers from different departments • I already felt connected but now I feel better prepared • Personal stories on equity are powerful and help connect us as human beings • Even though the fire department is a very diverse workplace, there are still people who might feel they are looked down upon. • The more we continue to work on racial equality, the better our team will be. • How important it is to formulate an action plan for my supervisory situation - don't be paralyzed - figure out a plan and work it even if it is not perfect. Building resilience. • The power dynamics that may or may not exist within my work group. • Listening to a co-workers heart felt story about bias racism was emotional experience. • Similar issues across the Port • With the others in my breakout group • The Port invests a lot towards building an work environment that fosters equity. • Addressing difficult topics like racial injustice sooner than later provides a better chance of overcoming conflict and uniting the team. • The scenarios have either already come up or likely will during my career at the Port. • The importance of leading from the heart. • Good to hear perspective from coworkers in group One thing I might suggest is. . . Staff of Color • One thing I would suggest is prior Zoom training. I felt challenged and had a hard time keeping up on some of the slides. • hearing the mind of those that aren't for diversity so we can learn how they think. • more training for all levels • Just want to say I'm looking forward to 102 • N/A • including Asian and Hispanic/Latino perspectives. White Staff • Keep CiKeithia. She was awesome! • provide information on who I should turn to for help other than my peers? HR? EDI? Do you offer 3rd party guidance? Mediated conversations? Help would be appreciated www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022 • talking slower, enunciating more and simplifying instructions for break-out sessions. I had a hard time hearing the facilitator even with the cc. which happened last year in the individual contributor 101 class. thanks • Have every worker at the Port take this class or something similar, not just supervisors • Continue getting different departments together to discuss racial equality. It helps to see how it impacts different departments other than my own department. • Have these trainings entirely in person. So much better to meet with people face to face with no screen. • Help people new to Zoom before meeting/ training. • Consider all perspectives, including those who may not be agreeable. • "clearer instructions on the scenario solutions exercise (breakout session II). • My team was from Maintenance (AV) I am seaport finance, I wish I either had a more diverse team or a team with more similarities, I felt out of place with my responses as they were already a team working together and had known each other professionally and as friends; and they had shared experiences." • Speak a little slower :) • None • Less emphasis on the submission of responses in the breakout group and more emphasis on the conversation. We spent a lot of time discussing what we should submit for answers rather than just the quality of the discussion. • nothing, it was great! • I wish a facilitator joined us for a minute or two during the second exercise. It would have let us ask a couple clarifying questions. I know we could have requested help, but I think the "drop by" would have provided an opportunity for more learning. • great session! www.equitymattersnw.com * www.facebook.com/equitymatters December 2022
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