P.O. Box 1209 Seattle, Washington 98111 www.portseattle.org 206.787.3000 APPROVED MINUTES COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MAY 9, 2023 The Port of Seattle Commission met in a special meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2023. The meeting was held at the Port of Seattle Headquarters Building, Pier 69, Commission Chambers, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle Washington, and virtually on Microsoft Teams. Commissioners Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed were present. Commissioner Hasegawa was absent and excused from the meeting. 1. CALL to ORDER The meeting was convened at 10:08 a.m. by Commission President Sam Cho. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 The public meeting recessed into executive session to discuss two matters regarding litigation/or potential litigation/or legal risk, per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for approximately 90 minutes, with the intention of reconvening the public session at 12:00 p.m. Following the executive session, the public meeting reconvened at 12:05 p.m. Commission President Cho led the flag salute. 3. APPROVAL of the AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented without objection. In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY – None. 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Metruck previewed items on the day’s agenda and made general and meetingrelated announcements. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commission Strategic Advisor Erica Chung provided a report regarding discussions held at the Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Committee meeting, the Art Board meeting, and the Aviation Committee meetings held to-date in the month of May. Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online – www.portseattle.org. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 Page 2 of 5 Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Committee On May 3, 2023, Commissioners Hasegawa and Felleman convened the Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Committee where they were briefed on the Maritime Climate and Air Action Plan – the MCAAP 2022 implementation accomplishments, challenges encountered, and areas of focus for 2023. Commissioners also reviewed the draft agenda and offered feedback on the upcoming June 13 study session focused on Aviation Environmental Carbon Reduction Strategies, including Sustainable Aviation Fuel. Further, Commissioner Hasegawa offered an update on the Offshore Wind Study Mission to Europe – her takeaways and opportunities for the Port. Art Board On May 3, 2023, Commissioners Felleman and Cho convened the portwide Arts and Culture Board where they were briefed on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Projects at the Airport, art pool funds for projects, and 2023 art projects at the airport and in maritime. Board members discussed art pool funding for non-aviation and requested a briefing at the next board meeting. Board members reviewed potential candidates for the public member position vacancy and directed the Art Manager to follow up with the recommended candidate. Aviation Committee As a follow up to March 21, 2023, Aviation Committee meeting, Commissioners Mohamed and Calkins recommended to the Aviation Director to proceed with the taxi contract, which includes the meaning of “legitimate” transfer, aligned with the City of Seattle process and approval. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment was received from the following individual(s): • • • The following people spoke in opposition to cruise operations and spoke regarding harms to the environment: Patrick McKee. The following person appeared for public comment: Alex Tsimerman. The following person spoke regarding increasing harms of the cruise industry and in support of a cruise free Salish Sea: Iris Antman (written comments submitted). [Clerk’s Note: All written comments are combined and attached here as Exhibit A.] 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY – None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA [Clerk’s Note: Items on the Consent Agenda are not individually discussed. Commissioners may remove items for separate discussion and vote when approving the agenda.] 8a. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 18, 2023. 8b. Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the Period April 1, 2023, through April 30, 2023, Including Accounts Payable Check Nos. 947941 through 948279 in the Amount of $6,286,908.65; Accounts Payable ACH Nos. 054029 through 054770 in the Amount of $52,717,023.94; Accounts Payable Wire Transfer Nos. 016031 through 016058 in the Amount of $13,201,411.35; Payroll Check Nos. 206491 through 206875 in the Amount Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 Page 3 of 5 of $144,264.53; and Payroll ACH Nos. 1131011 through 1135451 in the Amount of $14,165,413.57, for a Fund Total of $86,515,022.04. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum. 8c. Executive Director Delegation Approvals Report - May 2023. No documents requested – for information only. 8d. Authorization for the Executive Director to Utilize Port Crews and Take all Steps Necessary to Complete the PCS Facility Improvement Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for a Total Requested Amount of $4,930,000, and a Total Authorization Amount of $5,100,000. (CIP# C801359) Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation. 8e. Authorization for the Executive Director to Sign an Agreed Order Amendment with the Washington State Department of Ecology to Complete Feasibility Study and Draft Cleanup Action Plan for the Sediment at the Port’s Terminal 91 Submerged Land Area, and Amend the Consultant Contract to Authorize Consulting Services in the Amount of $1,900,000 to Complete the Feasibility Study and Draft Clean Up Action Plan, for a Total Agreed Order Project Cost of $3,000,000. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and an order amendment. The motion for approval of consent agenda items 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, and 8e carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 10. NEW BUSINESS 10a. Order No. 2023-07: An Order of the Port of Seattle Commission to Establish the Small Business Committee as an Ad-Hoc Committee of the Port of Seattle Commission. Request document(s) included an Order and presentation. Presenter(s): Vy Nguyen, Commission Office Strategic Advisor, Commission Office Aaron Pritchard, Chief of Staff, Commission Office Clerk Hart read Item 10a into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 Page 4 of 5 A presentation was provided to the Commission highlighting the formalization of the Small Business Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of Commissioners Cho and Mohamed. The focus of the committee is small business initiatives and topics that do not fit under the purview of the current standing committees. Members of the Commission and staff discussed the role of the committee; creating organization around work already being conducted; supporting small businesses; and duration of the committee. The motion, made by Commissioner Mohamed, carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 10b. Commission Determination that a Competitive Process is Not Appropriate or CostEffective and Exemption of the Contract from a Competitive Process Consistent with RCW 53.19.020; and Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute a New Project-Specific 5-Year Period Contract with Community Attributes Incorporated (CAI) to Perform the Services of Hosting, Maintaining, Updating, and Other Services Related to the Equity Index in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $750,000, as Part of the Port’s Century Agenda Goals to be Resource as a National Port Industry Leader on Equity. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation. Presenter(s): Bookda Gheisar, Senior Director, Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Clerk Hart read Item 10b into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed: • the request to execute a contract with Community Attributes Incorporated (CAI) to perform the services of hosting, maintaining, updating, and other services related to the Equity Index; • the Port’s Equity Index; • social determinants associated with the index methodology; and • next steps including case studies, additional indicators, external and internal presentation, and story maps. Members of the Commission and staff discussed: • functionality of the map and the level of data disaggregation available; • looking for disparities in data presented; • data as a resource for partners across the region; and • the index as a tool for the community to guide work. The motion, made by Commissioner Felleman, carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 Page 5 of 5 11. PRESENTATIONS AND STAFF REPORTS – None. 12. QUESTIONS on REFERRAL to COMMITTEE and CLOSING COMMENTS Commissioner Felleman stated he is pleased to see progress on PFAS, and congratulated Stephanie Jones Stebbins on her placement in the Interim Deputy Executive Director position. Commissioner Calkins reported on his and Commissioner Hasegawa’s recent trip to Scotland and Denmark to study offshore wind. He noted further that a study session on offshore wind will be held on May 24, 2023, by the Northwest Seaport Alliance. Executive Director Metruck thanked Debra Smith at Seattle City Light for the great partnership on waterfront electrification. 13. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:13 p.m. Prepared: Attest: Michelle M. Hart, Commission Clerk Fred Felleman, Commission Secretary Minutes approved: May 23, 2023 Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.
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