

P.O. Box 1209
Seattle, Washington 98111

JUNE 27, 2023
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2023. The meeting was
held at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Conference Center, located at 17801 International
Blvd, Seattle WA, Mezzanine Level, Seattle, Washington, and virtually on Microsoft Teams.
Commissioners Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed were present.


The meeting was convened at 10:30 a.m. by Commission President Cho.

EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110

The public meeting recessed into executive session to discuss two matters regarding litigation/or
potential litigation/or legal risk, per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for approximately 45 minutes, with the
intention of reconvening the public session at 12:00 p.m. Following the executive session, the public
meeting reconvened at 12:04 p.m. Commission President Cho led the flag salute.


The agenda was approved as presented without objection.
In favor: Cho, Calkins, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Opposed: (0)


4a. Proclamation in Recognition of June 2023 as Pride Month.
Requested documents included a proclamation.
Megan O’Connor, Senior Design Engineer, Design Services
Leona Komatsu, Senior Administrative Assistant, Office of Strategic Initiative
Tom Johnson, Paralegal, Attorney Services
Rut Perez-Studer, Senior Manager, Fishing & Commercial Vessel Services
Jude Barrett, AV Lease Admin Coordinator, AV Business and Properties
Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online – www.portseattle.org.

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Clerk Hart read Item 4a into the record.
Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters.
Representatives of the Portwide Pride Employee Resource Group (ERG) read the proclamation into
the record.
Commissioner Calkins (sponsor of the proclamation) and Members of the Commission thanked the
Portwide Pride ERG and spoke to the importance of recognizing the month’s celebrations and
protecting equity and rights of all LGTBQIA2S+ people.
The motion, made by Commissioner Calkins, carried by the following vote:
In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Opposed: (0)


Executive Director Metruck previewed items on the day’s agenda and made general and meetingrelated announcements.
Executive Director Metruck and Chief Villa acknowledged Police Officer of Year, Nick Blevins,
selected by his peers. Officer Blevins spoke regarding the unique nature of the Port of Seattle Police
Department and the dedication and commitment of the department to serve the community.
Members of the Commission thanked Officer Blevins for his service.


Commission Strategic Advisor Erica Chung provided committee reports.
Small Business Ad Hoc Committee
Commissioners Mohamed and Cho met as part of the Commission Ad Hoc Committee on Small
Business on June 16, 2023. The committee hosted a roundtable with small business development
organizations including the SBA, Business Impact NW, One Eastside Spark and Tabor 100.
Discussions included barriers for small businesses in accessing opportunities; current economic
conditions impacting small businesses; possibly un-bundling of contracts into discrete parts as a
means to build capacity of small businesses, and the WMBE/DBE certification requirements and
potential impacts to small business.
Portwide Arts and Culture Board
The Portwide Arts and Culture Board met on June 20, 2023, with Commissioner Felleman in
attendance. The Board received an update on the maritime and economic development department
art-pool funding projected for the next five years from capital improvement projects, and ideas for
developing maritime/EDD art program. The board discussed the importance of integrating
maritime/EDD art into the existing portwide arts program and the need for more transparency to
Maritime/EDD art projects under the purview of the Portwide Arts and Culture Board. The board also
received an update on the next steps in the public board member appointment process to fill the
Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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Equity and Workforce Development Committee
Commissioners Hasegawa and Calkins convened the Equity and Workforce Development
Committee meeting on June 20, 2023. Two items for briefing and discussion were brought before
the Committee: a high-level update on the WMBE barrier study and an update on the Equity
Spending Accountability Project. Port staff and leadership will continue to advance these projects
based on input from Commissioners.
Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Committee
Commissioners Hasegawa and Felleman convened the Sustainability, Environment, and Climate
Committee on June 20, 2023. They were briefed on two items: (1) Sustainable Evaluation
Framework in advancing the Port’s sustainability and equity goals of reducing the environmental and
societal impacts associated with capital projects and (2) Pacific Northwest to Alaska Green Corridor
project progress to-date and next steps.
Waterfront and Industrial Lands Committee
Commissioners Felleman and Calkins convened the Waterfront and Industrial Lands Committee on
June 20, 2023. During the meeting they received updates on the City of Seattle’s proposed industrial
lands rezone and potential development of a new or renovated fishing pier at Pier 86. The Committee
also discussed options to delve into the Clean Truck Program in collaboration with the Northwest
Seaport Alliance.


Public comment was received from the following individual(s):

The following person spoke regarding Commission public comment rules and removal of
speakers who do not adhere to the rules (written comments attached): Joe Kunzler.
The following person spoke in opposition to cruise operations and harms posed to the climate:
Iris Antman.
The following people spoke regarding Agenda Item 10c, amendment to the Port’s Sustainable
Airport Master Plan Environmental Review Personal Services Agreement: Maria Batayloa,
Beacon Hill, El Centro De La Raza (written comments submitted); and David Goebel.
In lieu of spoken comment, written comment regarding Agenda Item 10c opining that
sustainable aviation fuel will only reduce a small portion of aviation’s climate harms, was
submitted by: Peggy Printz.
In lieu of spoken comment, written comment regarding Agenda Item 10c opining that no
additional studies are needed and funding should rather be used for additional emissions and
noise mitigation for neighboring airport communities was submitted by: Laura Gibbons.
In lieu of spoken comment, written comment regarding Agenda Item 10c opining that no
additional studies are needed and funding should rather be used for alternative cleaner forms
of transportation and for additional mitigation of noise and emissions in near airport
communities, was submitted by: Rosemary Moore.
[Clerk’s Note: All written comments are combined and attached here as Exhibit A.]



[Clerk’s Note: Items on the Consent Agenda are not individually discussed. Commissioners may
remove items for separate discussion and vote when approving the agenda.]

Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 13, 2023, and the Regular Meeting
of June 13, 2023.


Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute a New Collective Bargaining
Agreement Between the Port of Seattle and the International Teamsters Union, Local
117, Representing Police Specialists at the Port of Seattle Covering the Period from
July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025.

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and agreement.

Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute a New Collective Bargaining
Agreement Between the Port of Seattle and the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Local 117, Representing Police Sergeants at the Police Department for the
Port of Seattle Covering the Period from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024.

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and agreement.

Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute a Settlement Agreement to
Recover Insured Repair and Replacement Costs in the Amount of $4,200,000.

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum.

Authorization for the Executive Director to Increase the Project Scope and Associated
Budget for the Building 161G Aviation Maintenance Facility Project by $300,000 for a
Revised Total Budget of $3,772,000. (CIP# C800924).

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum.

Authorization for the Executive Director to Prepare Design and Construction Bid
Documents for the Variable Frequency Drives Replacement Phase 2 Project and to
Utilize Port of Seattle Crews to Support Design and Pre-Construction Activities, for a
Requested Amount of $2,500,000 and a Total Estimated Project Cost Not-to-Exceed

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation.

Authorization for the Executive Director to Take All Steps Necessary as Identified in
Section 3.2.3 Resolution No. 3810 (Delegation of Authority) and Include a Project
Labor Agreement to Complete the S 188th St. Tunnel Improvement Project at SeattleTacoma International Airport (SEA), for a Requested Amount of $29,600,000 and a
Total Authorization of $34,500,000. (CIP# C801157)

Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation.
The motion for approval of consent agenda items 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, 8f, and 8g carried by the
following vote:
Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Opposed: (0)
10a. Authorization for the Executive Director to Authorize $46,000,000 of Supplemental
Funding to Meet Current Building Code Requirements and Complete Phase B
Construction; to Approve the Final Guaranteed Maximum Price of $546,000,000 for the
Overall Program; and to Execute a Tenant Reimbursement Agreement with Alaska
Airlines, Inc. for this Portion of the Work of the North Main Terminal Redevelopment
Program at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. (CIP# C801204)
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation.
Alan Olson, Capital Project Manager V, AV Project Management Group
Rick Duncan, Director, AV Business and Properties
Randy Fiertz, Director, Airport Affairs, Alaska Air Group
Alex Porteshawver, Environmental Program Manager, Aviation Environmental Programs Group
Chad Aldridge, ORAT Manager
Clerk Hart read Item 10a into the record.
Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters.
The presentation addressed:
• the request to authorize an additional $46,000,000 for supplemental funding to address
building code compliance and complete Phase B construction; to approve the Final
Guaranteed Maximum Price of $546,000,000 for the overall program; and to execute a
Tenant Reimbursement Agreement with Alaska Airlines, Inc. as part of the North Main
Terminal Redevelopment Program (also known as SEA Gateway);
• the project is part of the Upgrade SEA campaign;
• Port collaboration with the External Relations, Customer Experience, ORAT, and Alaska
Airlines Communications teams to provide proactive communication for construction and
any customer impact;
• communications plans for the project; and
• program background, drivers, summary of project work, budget and schedule, and program
risks and mitigation.
Discussion ensued regarding:
• CIP cost overruns;
• the importance of the project;
• the project being the single biggest transformation of the airport seen to-date; and
• the project being part of a larger eco-system of improvements.
The motion, made by Commissioner Felleman, carried by the following vote:
In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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Opposed: (0)
10b. Authorization for the Executive Director to Increase the Authorized Total Budget for the
Concourse A Building Expansion for Lounges Project by $21,507,000 and to Increase the
Tenant Reimbursement Agreement Budget from $89,960,000 to $111,508,000, for a Total
Estimated Project Cost of $126,507,000. (CIP# C801205)
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation.
Rick Duncan, Director, AV Business and Properties
Erin Gora, Capital Project Manager V, AV Project Management Group
Clerk Hart read Item 10b into the record.
Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters.
The presentation addressed:
• the airport existing lounge space’s insufficiency to meet passenger demand;
• the project allows Delta Air Lines to design and construct a building addition to increase the
supply of terminal lounge space, using a Tenant Reimbursement Agreement (TRA);
• incorporation of a new passenger lounge for Delta and provision of a new buildout space for
the Port’s shared-use lounge (Club at SEA);
• renderings of the project; and
• overview of cost increases.
Discussion ensued regarding:
• structure of the tenant reimbursement agreement;
• if use of the agreement limits grant opportunities;
• inability to use FAA grants since the project is revenue generating;
• transparency of project changes; and
• investigating areas that may be grant eligible like solar.
The motion, made by Commissioner Felleman, carried by the following vote:
In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Opposed: (0)
10c. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute an Amendment to the Existing
Sustainable Airport Master Plan Environmental Review Personal Services Agreement
with Landrum and Brown, for an increase of $2,350,000, and a Total Contract Amount of
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation.
Sarah Cox, Director, Aviation Environment and Sustainability
Steve Rybolt, Senior Environmental Program Manager, Aviation Environment and Sustainability
Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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Arif Ghouse, AV Chief Operating Officer, Aviation Directors Office
Clerk Hart read Item 10c into the record.
Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters.
The presentation addressed:
• Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) near-term projects;
• near-term projects undergoing environmental review;
• updated SAMP schedule; and
• budget increase justification and factors requiring extension of the schedule.
Discussion ensued regarding:
• providing for the most robust analysis possible;
• timing for a comprehensive plan for engagement and outreach with the public;
• prioritizing stakeholder engagement;
• construction not occurring without Commission approval;
• public comment periods and timelines of state environmental review; and
• results being released to the public at the same time it is released to Commissioners.
The motion, made by Commissioner Mohamed, carried by the following vote:
In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (5)
Opposed: (0)
There were no presentations and staff reports.




There was no further regular business and the meeting recessed at 2:20 p.m. for approximately 10
minutes and then entered into Executive Session per RCW 42.30.110(1)(f) and RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i),
for approximately 60 minutes. There was no action taken and the meeting adjourned immediately
upon closure of the session at 3:30 p.m.


Michelle M. Hart, Commission Clerk

Fred Felleman, Commission Secretary

Minutes approved: July 11, 2023

Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.

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