8b. Memo

Interlocal Agreement With SCCTV

AGENDA MEMORANDUM                        Item No.          8b 
ACTION ITEM                            Date of Meeting        July 25, 2023 
DATE:    July 18, 2023 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director 
FROM:    Michelle M. Hart, MMC, Commission Clerk 
Aaron Pritchard, Commission Chief of Staff 
SUBJECT:  Interlocal Agreement with Seattle Colleges Cable Television to Provide Video and
Web Services 
Amount of this request:               $1,442,000 
Total estimated project cost:          $1,442,000 
Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director  to  enter into an interlocal
agreement with Seattle Colleges Cable Television (SCCtv) for Commission meeting services,
including video streaming Commission meetings; hosting of the Commission Meetings Portal -
archiving Commission meeting video and creating a web library of Commission documents; and
providing editorial video services.  The authorization is for up to a total of $1,442,000 for five
years. (Annual expenses for commission meetings and related services are anticipated at a
maximum of $856,800 for the first three years of the agreement and $585,200 in total for years
4 and 5 combined. A nnual expenses for editorial video services are estimated at a maximum of 
$35,000 a year and are included in the total authorization amount.)
The Port’s current SCCtv agreement expires on July 31, 2023. Since 2009, the Port of Seattle has
had a partnership with SCCtv for videotaping, streaming, and making available to the public the
Port of Seattle Commission’s meetings; and providing videos for the Port of Seattle in its On-
Demand online library. The work performed and work products produced by SCCtv personnel
have been high quality, efficient, reliable, and low cost. Recorded Commission meetings are
accessible via cable access channels of SCCtv. SCCtv videos document major Port moments, as
well as extend our video capabilities for storytelling efforts. 
Public Affairs previously funded the vast majority of the cost of this agreement out of its annual
budget. Remainder of the 2023 budget will be paid from this same source, with future budget
and contract administration moving to the Commission Office, Clerk, in 2024 and subsequent
agreement years. 

Template revised April 12, 2018.

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Meeting Date: July 25, 2023 

The Port wishes to continue its partnership with SCCtv and continue its work for the period
commencing August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2028 (the college operates on a fiscal year
According to our recent statistics, the  Commission Meetings Portal was visited/refreshed 
approximately 55,271 times in 2022, and 19,558 times to-date in 2023. The site, hosted by SCCtv,
includes meeting videos, live stream broadcasts, and meeting records. The global nature of the
Port’s services draws citizens, customers, other port districts, and travelers from around the
world to Port of Seattle meetings.
This service provides historical records and real-time public access to the Port Commission’s
actions and deliberations. The service enhances: 
• Transparency to Commission actions and deliberations in real-time and on-demand.
• Accessibility to public information and public meetings without requiring attendance.
• Provision of secondary records of meeting minutes, agendas, and meeting packet
materials without the need for public records disclosure requests.
New SCCtv Services 
As noted above, SCCtv has been a partner with the Port of Seattle for many years. During this
time, SCCtv has continued to improve its platform and functionality in their goal of providing
excellent services to their clients and the community. They have adapted with the Port and the
new administration of the Commission Office through the Covid-19 pandemic, providing one of
the only existing fully hybrid meeting experiences (creating a closed loop -- an environment
where virtual participants can see the meeting room and the meeting room can see virtual
participants; and where presentations can be shared while seeing the speaker and the entire
meeting room, simultaneously). Many organizations have some of these features. Very few
organizations have all of these features operating in unison. Further, the online meetings portal 
now provides functionality that does not exist in many organizations, or to their respective
communities – these include: providing videos timestamped to respective areas in the meeting
video; the ability to produce video clips of on-demand meetings; video transcription; ADA
accessibility in both platform functionality and document review; language translation of page
information and meeting documents; closed captioning of meetings; and RSS feed calendaring 
and notifications. All of these features are newly provided by SCCtv. These features increase our
transparency, equity, and presence in the community. 
Key Terms 
SCCtv will provide: 
• Multi-camera video productions of the Port of Seattle Commission’s regular and special
meetings. Meetings will be edited and titled to make it easier for viewers to find specific
agenda items, including viewers with ADA accessibility needs. 

Template revised September 22, 2016; format updates October 19, 2016.

            COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8b                                 Page 3 of 3
Meeting Date: July 25, 2023 
• Online hosting of video and digital documents for each Port of Seattle Commission
meeting via SCCtv’s Web Portal Services.
• Editorial video stories and promotional videos 
We intend to enter into an immediate contract with SCCtv to ensure continuity of services
beginning August 2023. 
SCCtv services continue to be provided at a competitive rate. 
(1) Interlocal Agreement with Exhibits A and B
July 2018 - Previous Interlocal Agreement Approval

Template revised September 22, 2016; format updates October 19, 2016.


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