8b. Presentation

Airport Network Programming Service Extension

Item No.:        _8b_supp_
Date of Meeting: 10/24/2023
Airport Network Programming Service
Agreement Amendment

Jason Berg, Property Manager
Aviation Commercial Management
Geoffrey Foster, Interim Senior Manager
Aviation Commercial Management

• Background & Current
• Current Agreement
• Proposed Amendment


             Terminal Content Background
•  Jan 2019  – CNN Airport Network/Port new 5-
year agreement for content services at SEA
•  Mar 2021 – ReachTV assumes agreement as
CNN Airport Network leaves market
•  ReachTV is a Minority-owned Business
Enterprise (MBE)
– Subcontracts with local telecommunications
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and
Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (ACDBE) to manage on-site daily


                Current Programming
ReachTV Current Programming
•  33 TV display screens in
designated gate areas, providing
24/7 programming
•  National & Business news, Sports
(local, regional & national),
Entertainment, etc.
Port “Local Spots”
•  Six, one-minute segments per
available hour

                 Current Agreement
• Initial Term with renewal options
– 3 years initial term, effective from January 1, 2019
– 2-year automatic renewal upon expiration of initial term
• Expiration
– December 31, 2023 with no holdover provision
• Revenue provided via Minimum Annual Guarantee &
advertising revenues
– Revenue in 2022: $194,111
– Revenue estimated in 2023: $152,192

               Proposed Amendment
• Proposed Amendment
– Adds three, 6-month extension periods with Port’s consent, which:
• Enables continued television programming in airport terminal beyond current
lease expiration
• Maintains current revenue stream for Port
• Minimum Annual Guarantee would remain at current level
• Staff will continue to develop future state of terminal content
services program


                Thank You for Your Time!



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