8f. Memo
Baggage Claim 15 and 16 Replacement
COMMISSION AGENDA MEMORANDUM Item No. 8f ACTION ITEM Date of Meeting October 24, 2023 DATE: October 13, 2023 TO: Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director FROM: Eileen Francisco, Director Aviation Project Management Keri Stephens, Director Aviation Facilities and Capital Programs SUBJECT: Baggage Claim 15 & 16 Replacement Project Construction Authorization (CIP #801127) Amount of this request: $10,658,000 Total estimated project cost: $14,325,000 ACTION REQUESTED Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to (1) advertise, award, and execute a major construction contract for the Baggage Claim 15 & 16 Replacement project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; (2) use Port crews to assist in the completion of the work; and (3) include a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) for the project. The amount requested under this authorization is $10,658,000 for a total authorization of $14,325,000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Baggage claims 15 and 16 are the oldest claim devices which were originally installed in 1975- 1985 and rebuilt in 1998. The useful life for a flat plate device is 15 years and multiple components are showing signs of needing replacement. The existing devices also have had increasing maintenance and reliability issues. The intent of this project is to replace the existing devices with slope plate devices to be consistent with the rest of the baggage claim and improve reliability. JUSTIFICATION The existing baggage claim 15 & 16 are flat plate devices and are well beyond their useful life of 15 years. They are both outdated, multiple components are showing signs of needing replacement, and require customized parts for repairs. Replacement parts for these devices are not readily available due to the age and have a 2–3-week lead time for fabrication. If the Maintenance shop does not have the parts on hand or there are too many part failures, then the claim device will be unavailable until the parts are received. Unexpected claim outages due to failure are a direct impact to both Airline operations and the travelling passenger experience. New devices are quieter and have better aesthetics while also being more energy efficient with improved controls. Template revised January 10, 2019. COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8f Page 2 of 5 Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 This project will also solve a safety concern in the bag well by installing the new claim input belts closer to the existing wall to allow for a wider tug driving lane. This creates space for the airline employees to drop off baggage onto the claim device input belt. An additional benefit of the project is 1,000 square feet of tenant space build out in the bag claim area that will meet our tenant business needs. Diversity in Contracting There will be a five percent Women and Minority Business Enterprise (WMBE) aspirational goal for this project. DETAILS The project will replace the existing baggage claim 15 & 16 with updated slope plate devices. This includes all feed conveyor, fire security doors, and controls. The project will also build out 1,000 square feet of move in ready tenant lease space. Total project costs are estimated to be $14,325,000 with $3,667,000 previously authorized for the design phase and current request of $10,685,000 for the construction phase. Scope of Work The scope of work will include the following: (1) Design and replace baggage claims 15 & 16 with new slope plate devices. (2) Modify existing HVAC to allow for conveyor right of way. (3) Patch wall penetrations for existing baggage claim 15 & 16 devices (4 locations). (4) Reconfigure feed conveyor to transport baggage from above. (5) Improve bag well tug traffic safety by moving the drop off belt closer to the wall for both claims, creating a wider drive lane; and (6) Create new tenant lease space for future tenants. Schedule Construction on Baggage Claim 15 & 16 cannot begin until current North Main Terminal Redevelopment Project is complete in the north baggage claim area, currently scheduled for Q3 2024. In addition, current long lead times for conveyor equipment result in early procurement in order to have all equipment on site before construction begins. The construction of the claim devices will be sequences such that only one claim device is out of service at a time to minimize impacts to operations and passenger experience. Activity Advertise for Construction Bids 2024 Quarter 1 Procure Long Lead Items 2024 Quarter 2 Construction start 2024 Quarter 4 In-use date 2025 Quarter 3 Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting). COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8f Page 3 of 5 Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 Cost Breakdown This Request Total Project Design $0 $3,667,000 Construction $10,658,000 $10,658,000 Total $10,658,000 $14,325,000 ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLICATIONS CONSIDERED Alternative 1 – Do not proceed with this project. Cost Implications: Approximately $1,500,000 Pros: (1) Lowest cost alternative. (2) No construction in the bag claim area and no impact to claim capacity. Cons: (1) Equipment condition will continue to be a concern with an increasing risk of failure. (2) Increased risk over time of equipment failure which impacts Airline operations and travelling passenger experience. (3) No improvement to bag well operation safety conditions. (4) Does not add tenant lease space. (5) The cost for soft cost, design and notebook development would need to be expensed. This is not the recommended alternative. Alternative 2 – Replace claims 15 & 16. Cost Implications: $14,325,000 Pros: (1) Replaces the oldest baggage claim devices to reduce maintainability and increase reliability. (2) Increases tug traffic safety in the bag well. (3) Creates more tenant lease space. Cons: (1) Impact to operations while replacing. This is the recommended alternative. Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting). COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8f Page 4 of 5 Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Cost Estimate/Authorization Summary Capital Expense Total COST ESTIMATE Original estimate $11,000,000 $0 $11,000,000 Budget increase $3,325,000 $0 $3,325,000 Revised estimate $14,325,000 $0 $14,325,000 AUTHORIZATION Previous authorizations $3,667,000 $0 $3,667,000 Current request for authorization $10,658,000 $0 $10,658,000 Total authorizations, including this request $14,325,000 $0 $14,325,000 Remaining amount to be authorized $0 $0 $0 Annual Budget Status and Source of Funds This project, CIP C801127, was included in the 2023-2027 capital budget and plan of finance with a budget of $14,325,000. The funding sources will be the Airport Development Fund (ADF) and revenue bonds. This project received Majority-In-Interest (MII) approval from the airlines on August 24, 2022. Financial Analysis and Summary Project cost for analysis $14,325,000 Business Unit (BU) Baggage Effect on business performance NOI after depreciation will increase due to inclusion of (NOI after depreciation) capital (and operating) costs in airline rate base. IRR/NPV (if relevant) N/A CPE Impact $.05 in 2026 Future Revenues and Expenses (Total cost of ownership) With both claim devices being well beyond their 15-year useful life span and existing maintainability concerns, there would be no long-term savings by going with the alternative option and not proceeding with the project. The systems also run the risk of complete failure due to age which would result in Airline operations and passenger experience impacts. ATTACHMENTS TO THIS REQUEST (1) Presentation slides Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting). COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8f Page 5 of 5 Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTIONS OR BRIEFINGS September 27, 2022 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to design and prepare construction documents for the Baggage Claim 15 & 16 Replacement Project in the amount of $3,667,000. At that time, the total estimated project cost was $14,325,000. Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).
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