

October 24, 2023
To be held at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – Conference Center,
International Room, located at 17801 International Blvd, Seattle WA, Mezzanine
Level. You may view the full meeting live at To listen live,
call in at +1 (425) 660-9954 or (833) 209-2690 and Conference ID 232 317 505#
10:30 a.m.
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION – if necessary, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (executive sessions are not open to the
► 12:00 noon – PUBLIC SESSION
Reconvene or Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (at this time, commissioners may reorder, add, or remove items from the
7. PUBLIC COMMENT – procedures available online at
During the regular order of business, those wishing to provide public comment on items related to the conduct of
the Port will have the opportunity to:
1) Deliver public comment via email: All written comments received by email to will be distributed to commissioners and attached to the approved minutes.
2) Deliver public comment via phone or Microsoft Teams conference: To take advantage of this option,
please email with your name and the topic related to the conduct of
the Port you wish to speak to by 9:00 a.m. PT on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. (Please be advised that public
comment is limited to topics related to the conduct of the Port only.) You will then be provided with
instructions and a link to join the Teams meeting.
3) Deliver public comment in person by signing up to speak on your arrival to the physical meeting
location: To take advantage of this option, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of any regular
meeting to sign-up on the public comment sheet available at the entrance to the meeting room to speak on items
related to the conduct of the Port.
For additional information, please contact
8. CONSENT AGENDA (consent agenda items are adopted by one motion without discussion)
8a. Approval of Minutes of the Regular and Special Meetings of October 10, 2023. (no enclosure)
Founded in 1911 by a vote of the people as a special purpose government, the Port of Seattle’s mission is to promote economic opportunities
and quality of life in the region by advancing trade, travel, commerce, and job creation
in an equitable, accountable, and environmentally responsible manner.

PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of October 24, 2023

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8b. Authorization for the Executive Director or Designee to Execute an Amendment to the Airport Network
Programming Service Agreement Incorporating Up to Three, Six-Month Extension Option Periods Allowing
for Continued Television Programming in the Airport Terminal Gate Hold Areas for the Traveling Public’s
Entertainment. (memo, amendment, and presentation enclosed)
8c. Commission Authorization for Additional Funds in the Amount of $4,497,000 to Provide for South Correctional
Entity (SCORE) Services in Conjunction with the SCORE Interlocal Agreement for Inmate Housing with the
Port. (memo, agreement, amendment, and letter enclosed)
8d. Authorization for the Executive Director to Authorize $850,000 to Proceed with Design and Permitting of the
Terminal 91 Buildings Demolition Project, Increasing the Total Project Authorization To-Date to $1,000,000
out of a Total Estimated Project Cost of $9,100,000. (CIP# C801372) (memo and presentation enclosed)
8e. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute Termination Agreements; Payout where applicable Net
Book Value (NBV) Associated with the Termination Agreement; and Execute New Lease and Concession
Agreements for Certain Airport Dining and Retail Tenants Impacted by the Upcoming Concourse C
Expansion and Concourse A Duty-Free Projects, in the Amount of $2,479,145.
(memo and presentation enclosed)
8f. Authorization for the Executive Director to Advertise, Award, and Execute a Major Construction Contract for
the Baggage Claim 15 and 16 Replacement Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; to Use Port
Crews to Assist in the Completion of the Work; and to Include a Project Labor Agreement for the Project, for
a Total Requested Amount of $10,658,000 and a Total Estimated Project Cost of $14,325,000.
(CIP# C801127) (memo and presentation enclosed)
8g. Authorization for the Executive Director to Prepare Design and Construction Bid Documents for
the Passenger Loading Bridge (PLB) Renewal Replacement Phase 4 Project; to Purchase Six PLBs and
Associated Gate Equipment for Specified Gates; to Use Port of Seattle Crews, and Small and Major
Works On-Call Contracts to Support Design Activities and to Perform the Construction Work;
and to Advertise, Bid, and Execute Up to Four Major Works Construction Projects, for a Total Requested
Amount $16,850,000 and an Estimated Total Project Cost Not-to-Exceed $17,000,000. (CIP# C801308)
(memo and presentation enclosed)
8h. Authorization for the Executive Director to Advertise and Execute a Construction Contract for 2024 Airfield
Projects - Contract 1; to Transfer Budget/Authorization as Necessary Between the 2024 Airfield Projects; to
Transfer Budget/Authorization for Gate B11 Passenger Loading Bridge (PLB) Civil Foundation from the PLB
Phase 3 Project to the 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program; to
Procure Long Lead Items; to Include a Project Labor Agreement for the Contract; and to Authorize Use of
Port Crews for Abatement Work, for a Total Requested Amount of $50,500,000 and a Total Estimated Project
Cost of $200,300,000. (CIP# C800930 and C801177) (memo and presentation enclosed)
Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed
Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck
To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: 206-787-3210

PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of October 24, 2023

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10a. Authorization for the Executive Director to Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with King
County to join the Coalition for Climate Careers in the Amount of $100,000.
(memo, agreement, and presentation enclosed)
10b. Authorization for the Executive Director to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the City of
Seattle Enabling the Port to Provide Funding Up to $500,000 and Approximately $50,000 In-Kind
Support for Site Characterization, Design, and Permitting of the 8th Avenue S/Gateway Park North
Project; and to Authorize Funding in the Amount of $317,128 to Support City-Led Site
Characterization, Design and Permitting Tasks, for a Total Estimated Project Cost of $2,600,000.
(memo, agreement, and presentation enclosed)
11a. Tax Levy Draft Plan of Finance for 2024-2028 Briefing.
(memo and presentation enclosed)

Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed
Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck
To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: 206-787-3210

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