10b. Resolution
Introduction and Public Hearing Resolution 3815
Item No. 10b reso Date of Meeting: November 23, 2023 Introduced and Public Hearing: 11/14/23 Adopted: PORT OF SEATTLE RESOLUTION NO. 3815 A RESOLUTION of the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle specifying the dollar and percentage change in the regular property levy from the previous year per RCW 84.55.120; providing for an increase of the levy from $82,657,367 to $86,664,580. WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle in the Commission has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2024; and WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle's Commission, after hearing and duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented in a public hearing held pursuant to RCW 84.55.120, has determined the Port of Seattle requires a regular levy in the amount of $86,664,580, which represents the levy rate of approximately $0.1059 per thousand of assessed value; and WHEREAS, the levy amount includes an increase in property tax revenue from the previous year to discharge the expenses and obligations of the district in its best interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle that a property tax levy is hereby authorized in the amount of $86,664,580, an increase of $4,007,213, a 4.8 percent increase from 2023. Excluding the new construction and refund amount, the increase is $2,699,680 or 3.3 percent from 2023 for tax filing purposes. ADOPTED by the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle at a duly noticed meeting held this 21st day of November, 2023, and duly authenticated in open session by the signatures of the Commissioners voting in favor thereof and the seal of the Commission. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Port Commission Resolution No. 3815, 2024 Property Tax Levy Page 1 of 1
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