8c. Memo
Executive Director Delegation Notification February 2024
COMMISSION AGENDA MEMORANDUM Item No. 8c FOR INFORMATION ONLY Date of Meeting March 12, 2024 DATE: March 12, 2024 TO: Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director FROM: Karen R. Goon, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Monthly Notification of Prior Executive Director Delegation Actions February 2024 APPROVAL SUMMARY This memo is presented for information only. Inclusion on the Consent Agenda is asking for Commission’s acknowledgement that the data has been presented to them and the public. This is notification of the following Executive Director delegated approvals that occurred in February 2024. Description of Approvals December Category Category of Approval Request# 2023 Amount Projects & Associated 1065-2024 Pier 90 E Pile Cap Rehabilitation $1,880,000.00 Contracts Projects & Associated SBM Office Reconfiguration - Design 1101-2024 $500,000.00 Contracts Funding Projects & Associated 2024 Maritime Sweeper Purchase 1098-2024 $75,000.00 Contracts Amendment Non-Project Procurement of Goods & Purchased Ocean Acidification Alliance Articles of Service Contracts, Other 880-2023 $0.00 Governance Contracts, & Tenant Reimbursement Non-Project Procurement of Goods & Purchased Authorization for a 10-year Service Contracts, Other 1112-2024 maintenance and license fee contract $700,000.00 Contracts, & Tenant for Xovis Reimbursement Non-Project Procurement of Goods & Purchased Service Contracts, Other 1106-2024 HR ORCA Contract $1,847,847.00 Contracts, & Tenant Reimbursement Real Property N/A No Approvals in February Agreements Template revised January 10, 2019. COMMISSION AGENDA – Agenda Item No. 8c Page 2 of 2 Meeting Date: March 12, 2024 Utilization of Port Crews N/A No Approvals in February Sale of Surplus Port N/A No Approvals in February Property Total Value of Executive $5,002,847.00 Director Approvals TRANSPARENCY: In approving the delegations for the Executive Director, the Commission requested that staff ensure transparency is built into the process. As a result, staff will make approvals visible to the public in two ways. First, these types of approvals will be made visible in public Commission meetings via monthly reporting like this one. Approvals are both timed and designed to be visible in a similar manner to the monthly Claims and Obligations reporting. Second, staff will publish these delegations in a PeopleSoft formatted report on the Port website in the same manner that all procurements, contracts, and other opportunities are made available to public communities. BACKGROUND: On January 24, 2023, the Commission approved and adopted Resolution No. 3810 that repealed related prior resolutions and increased the previously delegated Commission authority to the Executive Director and provided clarity in process directives to port staff. The approval made the Delegation of Responsibility and Authority to the Executive Director (DORA) effective on April 3, 2023. The foundation for Resolution No. 3810 included significant data analysis, employee surveys, and internal audit recommendation. Resolution No. 3810 also aligns with the Port Century Agenda in that it helps make the Port a more effective public agency. Considerations and checks and balances have been built into the associated processes of Executive Director approvals including a high bar of transparency. Following significant analysis and multiple Commission reviews, the Commission approved the DORA on January 24, 2023. That reporting memo is available for review on the Port website under the January 24, 2023, Commission public meeting, and it provides detailed reasoning and explanation of Resolution No. 3810. Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).
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