P.O. Box 1209 Seattle, Washington 98111 www.portseattle.org 206.787.3000 APPROVED MINUTES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 23, 2024 The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2024. The meeting was held at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Conference Center located at: 17801 International Blvd, Seattle WA, Mezzanine Level, Seattle, Washington, and virtually on Microsoft Teams. Commissioners Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed were present. Commissioner Hasegawa was absent and excused from attendance. 1. CALL to ORDER The meeting was convened at 12:01 p.m. by Commission President Mohamed who led the flag salute. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 No executive session was held. 3. APPROVAL of the AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented without objection. In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY No Special Orders of the Day were presented. 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Metruck previewed items on the day’s agenda and made general and meetingrelated announcements. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports presented. Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online – www.portseattle.org. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 Page 2 of 6 7. PUBLIC COMMENT • The following person spoke in support of Agenda Item 10a, Resolution No. 3817, amending the Commission’s Bylaws and Rules of Procedure: Joe Kunzler. • The following person spoke in support of Agenda Item 11a, tourism development and the Port’s tourism program: David Blandford, State of Washington Tourism. • The following person spoke regarding airport impacts on neighboring communities: John Worthington. • The following person spoke regarding collective bargaining agreements for Sea Tac workers: Jesse Welton. • The following person spoke regarding SB 5955 and sound insulation in near-airport communities for failed insulation packages: JC Harris, seatacnoise.info. • The following person spoke regarding traffic flow at the airport and offered to meet with traffic design engineers to share his ideas for improvements: Craig Warner. • In lieu of spoken comment, Jordan Van Voast submitted written comments requesting the Port to cap and reduce cruise sailings and passenger levels to at or below 2019 levels, and to continue reduction each year until there are no more ocean or air pollutants, or climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions. [Clerk’s Note: All written comments are combined and attached here as Exhibit A.] 8. CONSENT AGENDA [Clerk’s Note: Items on the Consent Agenda are not individually discussed. Commissioners may remove items for separate discussion and vote when approving the agenda.] 8a. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 9, 2024. 8b. Adoption of Resolution No. 3818: A Resolution of the Port of Seattle Commission Adopting the Charter of the Governance Standing Committee. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum, draft resolution, charter, and presentation. 8c. Commission Approval of the Port’s 2024 Federal Legislative Agenda and Direction for the Executive Director to Authorize Staff to Engage in Advocacy Efforts to Support Implementation of These Policy Priorities. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum, agenda, and presentation. The motion for approval of consent agenda items 8a, 8b, and 8c carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 Page 3 of 6 10. NEW BUSINESS 10a. Adoption of Resolution No. 3817: A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 3778 and Prior Corresponding Enacting and Amending Resolutions Through Incorporation, Pertaining to the Commission’s Bylaws and Rules of Procedure. Requested document(s) included an agenda memorandum, draft resolution, Exhibit A, and presentation. Presenter(s): Aaron Pritchard, Chief of Staff, Commission Office Michelle Hart, Commission Clerk, Commission Office Pete Ramels, Port of Seattle General Counsel Jessica Nadelman, Senior Port Counsel Clerk Hart read Item 10a into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed the package of amendments requested by Commissioners, to be discussed and considered for adoption at this meeting. The main motion, to adopt Resolution No. 3817, was made by Commissioner Felleman. The motion, to amend Resolution No. 3817, Exhibit A, Article VI, Section (10)(c), last sentence of the provision, to add the phrase “unless otherwise revised” and to strike the phrase “unless extended,” was made by Commissioner Felleman, to read as follows: (c) The time allotted for public spoken comment shall be limited to a total of 45 minutes, unless extended at the commission’s discretion. Each speaker shall be limited to two minutes unless otherwise revised [UNLESS EXTENDED] by the presiding officer. The primary amendment carried. In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) The motion, to amend Resolution No. 3818, Article III, Section (5)(d), Duties of the President, Oversight of the office of the commission” to repeal paragraph (d) in its entirety, removing oversight of the Commission Office from the duties of the President and reenacting it under Article II, Commissioners, paragraph (11), “Oversight of the office of the commission and the commission chief of staff,” was made by Commissioner Mohamed, to read as follows: Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 Page 4 of 6 (11) Oversight of the office of the commission and the commission chief of staff. The Commission, as a body, coordinated by the commission president, shall provide oversight and review of the performance of the commission chief of staff according to the Commission office standard operating procedures. The commission chief of staff shall be responsible for the organization and management of the office of the commission, according to the Commission office standard operating procedures. The commission chief of staff shall consult with the commission regarding the performance evaluation, hiring, and firing of staff of the office of the commission. The primary amendment carried. In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) The motion, to amend Resolution No. 3818, Article IV, Section (8)(a), Executive sessions, to insert a sentence at the end of the paragraph to read as follows: “Periodic review of executive sessions shall occur by outside counsel for Open Public Meetings Act compliance,” was made by Commissioner Mohamed, to read as follows: (a) Executive sessions shall be closed to the public pursuant to the limitations imposed by state law, including but not limited to the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW. No final actions shall be taken during an executive session. Executive sessions may be held only during a regular or special meeting of the port commission and may be held at any time following convening of the public meeting in accordance with the procedures required by statute and described in these bylaws. Periodic review of executive sessions shall occur by outside counsel for Open Public Meetings Act compliance. The primary amendment carried. In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) The main motion, as amended, to adopt Resolution No. 3817, carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 10b. Order No. 2024-03: An Order of the Port of Seattle Commission to Update the Port’s Diversity in Contracting Goals for 2024. Request document(s) included an order and presentation. Presenter(s): Tyler Emsky, Commission Strategic Advisor, Commission Office Mian Rice, Director, Diversity in Contracting Clerk Hart read Item 10b into the record. Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 Page 5 of 6 Tyler Emsky, Commission Strategic Advisor, was joined by Mian Rice, Director of Diversity in Contracting, to introduce and overview the order setting 2024 Diversity in Contracting WMBE spending goals. The order was read into the record. The motion, made by Commissioner Calkins, to adopt Order No. 2024-03, carried by the following vote: In favor: Calkins, Cho, Felleman, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 11. PRESENTATIONS AND STAFF REPORTS 11a. Tourism Development Briefing. Presentation document(s) included agenda memorandum and presentation. Presenter(s): Dave McFadden, Managing Director, Economic Development Division Nick Leonti, Director of Tourism Development Clerk Hart read Item 11a into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed tourism statistics and trends; international tourism marketing; marketing highlights; media generated; responsible travel; tourism grant programs; and 2024 tourism grant refinements. Discussion ensued regarding: • the status of tourism with Asian markets and slow return to prior leisure market trends; and • sustainable tourism and providing certification acknowledgements for international travelers’ information. Members of the Commission thanked staff for their report. 11b. 2024 Local, Regional and Community Engagement Policy Priorities Briefing. Presentation document(s) included agenda memorandum and presentation. Presenter(s): Sabrina Bolieu, Regional Government Relations Manager, External Relations Dave Kaplan, Local Government Relations Manager, External Relations Samantha St. John, East King County Community Government Relations Manager, External Relations Clerk Hart read Item 11b into the record. Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2024 Page 6 of 6 Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed: • 2023 priorities advancements; • 2024 priorities alignment in furtherance of Port Century Agenda goals; and • incorporating Commission feedback into the final agenda for Commission approval at the February 13, 2024, meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the status of Port actions with respect to the sound mitigation program; scope of the program; voluntary participation in the program; accelerating sound insulation efforts; prioritizing those closest to the airport and addressing need for those who have not yet participate in the program; beginning assessment of failed packages in 2024; and development of a survey process to use in failed package assessments. Discussion continued regarding: • tribal internship • truck parking; and • renewing the economic impact report previously used by the Port in 2024. Members of the Commission thanked staff for their report. 12. QUESTIONS on REFERRAL to COMMITTEE and CLOSING COMMENTS None. 13. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 2:04 p.m. Prepared: Attest: Michelle M. Hart, Commission Clerk Ryan Calkins, Commission Secretary Minutes approved: February 13, 2024 Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.
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